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Change ShmPool resource management to use Rc
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Implements ShmPool destruction- and resize propagation to downstream
wayland clients.
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queezle42 committed Jun 4, 2024
1 parent 383dd9e commit 2f12c24
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Showing 3 changed files with 71 additions and 118 deletions.
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions quasar-wayland/src/Quasar/Wayland/Client/ShmBuffer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,20 +7,20 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Client.ShmBuffer (
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Foreign
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Wayland.Shared.Surface
import Quasar.Resources.Rc
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.SharedFd
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.SharedMemory

newLocalShmPool :: Int32 -> IO (ShmPool, ForeignPtr Word8)
newLocalShmPool :: Int32 -> IO (Rc ShmPool, ForeignPtr Word8)
newLocalShmPool size = do
fd <- memfdCreate (fromIntegral size)

ptr <- mmap MmapReadWrite fd (fromIntegral size)

-- Passes ownership of the fd to the pool
pool <- atomicallyC (newShmPool fd size)
pool <- atomicallyC (newShmPool fd (pure size))
(disposeSharedFd fd >> finalizeForeignPtr ptr)

Expand All @@ -33,11 +33,9 @@ newLocalShmBuffer width height = do
(pool, ptr) <- newLocalShmPool size

atomicallyC do
-- Buffer takes ownership of the pool
buffer <- newShmBuffer pool offset width height stride pixelFormat

-- Pool won't be reused
destroyShmPool pool

pure (buffer, castForeignPtr ptr)

Expand Down
19 changes: 13 additions & 6 deletions quasar-wayland/src/Quasar/Wayland/Server/Shm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,15 +2,17 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Server.Shm (
) where

import Quasar.Observable.Core
import Quasar.Observable.ObservableVar
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Resources
import Quasar.Resources.Rc
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol
import Quasar.Wayland.Protocol.Generated
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Registry
import Quasar.Wayland.Server.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Shared.Surface
import Quasar.Wayland.Shm
import Quasar.Wayland.Utils.Resources

shmGlobal :: forall b. IsBufferBackend ShmBuffer b => b -> Global
Expand All @@ -35,15 +37,20 @@ shmGlobal backend = createGlobal @Interface_wl_shm maxVersion initializeWlShm
Int32 ->
STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] ()
initializeWlShmPool wlShmPool fd size = liftSTMc do
pool <- newShmPool fd size
sizeVar <- newObservableVar size
poolRc <- newShmPool fd (toObservable sizeVar)
attachFinalizer wlShmPool (disposeEventually_ poolRc)
setRequestHandler wlShmPool RequestHandler_wl_shm_pool {
create_buffer = initializeWlShmBuffer pool,
destroy = liftSTMc $ destroyShmPool pool,
resize = resizeShmPool pool
create_buffer = initializeWlShmBuffer poolRc,
destroy = disposeEventually_ poolRc,
resize = \s -> do
oldSize <- readObservableVar sizeVar
when (oldSize > s) $ throwC $ ProtocolUsageError (mconcat ["wl_shm: Invalid resize from ", show oldSize, " to ", show size])
writeObservableVar sizeVar s

initializeWlShmBuffer ::
ShmPool ->
Rc ShmPool ->
NewObject 'Server Interface_wl_buffer ->
Int32 ->
Int32 ->
Expand Down
160 changes: 54 additions & 106 deletions quasar-wayland/src/Quasar/Wayland/Shm.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ module Quasar.Wayland.Shm (
) where

Expand All @@ -16,9 +14,9 @@ import Data.Hashable (Hashable(hash, hashWithSalt))
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Quasar.Future
import Quasar.Observable.Core
import Quasar.Prelude
import Quasar.Resources
import Quasar.Resources.DisposableVar
import Quasar.Resources.Rc
import Quasar.Wayland.Client
import Quasar.Wayland.Client.Surface
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -51,109 +49,61 @@ instance IsBufferBackend ShmBuffer ShmBufferBackend where
-- | Wrapper for an externally managed shm pool
data ShmPool = ShmPool {
key :: Unique,
fd :: TVar (Maybe SharedFd),
size :: TVar Int32,
bufferCount :: TVar Word32,
destroyRequested :: TVar Bool,
destroyed :: TVar Bool,
downstreams :: TVar [DownstreamShmPool]
fd :: SharedFd,
size :: Observable NoLoad '[] Int32

instance Disposable ShmPool where
getDisposer pool = getDisposer pool.fd

instance Eq ShmPool where
x == y = x.key == y.key

instance Hashable ShmPool where
hash pool = hash pool.key
hashWithSalt salt pool = hashWithSalt salt pool.key

data DownstreamShmPool = DownstreamShmPool {
disposer :: TDisposer,
resize :: Int32 -> STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] ()

newtype ShmBuffer = ShmBuffer (TDisposableVar ShmBufferState)
deriving (Eq, Hashable, Disposable, TDisposable)

data ShmBufferState = ShmBufferState {
pool :: ShmPool,
data ShmBuffer = ShmBuffer {
key :: Unique,
pool :: Rc ShmPool,
offset :: Int32,
width :: Int32,
height :: Int32,
stride :: Int32,
format :: Word32

instance Eq ShmBuffer where
x == y = x.key == y.key

instance Hashable ShmBuffer where
hash x = hash x.key
hashWithSalt salt x = hashWithSalt salt x.key

instance Disposable ShmBuffer where
getDisposer x = getDisposer x.pool

-- | Create an `ShmPool` for externally managed memory. Takes ownership of the
-- passed file descriptor. Needs to be destroyed with `destroyShmPool` when no
-- longer required.
newShmPool :: SharedFd -> Int32 -> STMc NoRetry '[] ShmPool
-- passed file descriptor. Needs to be disposed when it is no longer required.
newShmPool :: SharedFd -> Observable NoLoad '[] Int32 -> STMc NoRetry '[] (Rc ShmPool)
newShmPool fd size = do
key <- newUniqueSTM
fdVar <- newTVar (Just fd)
sizeVar <- newTVar size
bufferCount <- newTVar 0
destroyRequested <- newTVar False
destroyed <- newTVar False
downstreams <- newTVar mempty
pure ShmPool {
newRc ShmPool {
fd = fdVar,
size = sizeVar,

-- | Resize an externally managed shm pool.
resizeShmPool :: ShmPool -> Int32 -> STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] ()
resizeShmPool pool size = do
oldSize <- readTVar pool.size
when (oldSize > size) $ throwM $ ProtocolUsageError (mconcat ["wl_shm: Invalid resize from ", show oldSize, " to ", show size])
writeTVar pool.size size
downstreams <- readTVar pool.downstreams
mapM_ (\downstream -> downstream.resize size) downstreams

-- | Request destruction of an an externally managed shm pool. Memory shared
-- with this pool will be deallocated after all buffer is released.
destroyShmPool :: ShmPool -> STMc NoRetry '[] ()
destroyShmPool pool = do
writeTVar pool.destroyRequested True
tryFinalizeShmPool pool

tryFinalizeShmPool :: ShmPool -> STMc NoRetry '[] ()
tryFinalizeShmPool pool = do
destroyRequested <- readTVar pool.destroyRequested
bufferCount <- readTVar pool.bufferCount
when (destroyRequested && bufferCount == 0) do
writeTVar pool.destroyed True
fd <- swapTVar pool.fd Nothing
downstreams <- swapTVar pool.downstreams mempty
mapM_ (disposeTDisposer . (.disposer)) downstreams
traceM "Finalized ShmPool"
-- TODO close fd
forM_ fd \fd' -> traceM $ "leaking fd fd@" <> show fd' <> " (needs to be deferred to IO)"

connectDownstreamShmPool :: ShmPool -> DownstreamShmPool -> STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] ()
connectDownstreamShmPool pool downstream = do
whenM (readTVar pool.destroyed) $ throwM $ userError "ShmPool: Cannot attach downstream since the pool has been destroyed"
modifyTVar pool.downstreams (downstream:)

-- | Create a new buffer for an externally managed pool
-- Takes ownership of the @Rc ShmPool@.
newShmBuffer ::
ShmPool -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> STMc NoRetry '[] ShmBuffer
newShmBuffer pool offset width height stride format = do
-- TODO check arguments
modifyTVar pool.bufferCount succ
ShmBuffer <$> newTDisposableVar (ShmBufferState pool offset width height stride format) releaseShmBuffer
releaseShmBuffer :: ShmBufferState -> STMc NoRetry '[] ()
releaseShmBuffer buffer = do
modifyTVar buffer.pool.bufferCount pred
traceM "Finalized ShmBuffer"
tryFinalizeShmPool buffer.pool
Rc ShmPool -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Int32 -> Word32 -> STMc NoRetry '[] ShmBuffer
newShmBuffer poolRc offset width height stride format = do
key <- newUniqueSTM
pure (ShmBuffer key poolRc offset width height stride format)

-- * Wayland client
Expand All @@ -170,22 +120,20 @@ instance ClientBufferBackend ShmBufferBackend where
renderFrame = pure

getExportBufferId :: ShmBufferFrame -> STMc NoRetry '[] Unique
getExportBufferId (ShmBufferFrame _ rc) =
tryReadRc rc >>= \case
getExportBufferId (ShmBufferFrame _ bufferRc) =
tryReadRc bufferRc >>= \case
Nothing -> undefined -- "ShmBufferBackend: Trying to get export id for a disposed frame"
Just (Borrowed _ (ShmBuffer var)) -> pure (disposerElementKey var)
Just (Borrowed _ buffer) -> pure buffer.key

exportWlBuffer :: ClientShmManager -> ShmBufferFrame -> IO (NewObject 'Client Interface_wl_buffer)
exportWlBuffer client (ShmBufferFrame _ rc) = atomicallyC do
tryReadRc rc >>= \case
Nothing -> throwM (userError "ShmBufferBackend: Trying to export already disposed frame")
Just (Borrowed _ (ShmBuffer var)) -> do
tryReadTDisposableVar var >>= \case
Nothing -> throwM (userError "ShmBufferBackend: Trying to export already disposed buffer")
Just state -> do
wlShmPool <- getClientShmPool client state.pool
-- NOTE no event handlers are attached here, since the caller (usually `Quasar.Wayland.Surface`) has that responsibility.
wlShmPool.create_buffer state.offset state.width state.height state.stride state.format
Just (Borrowed _ buffer) -> do
pool <- readRc buffer.pool
wlShmPool <- getClientShmPool client pool
-- NOTE no event handlers are attached here, since the caller (usually `Quasar.Wayland.Surface`) has that responsibility.
wlShmPool.create_buffer buffer.offset buffer.width buffer.height buffer.stride buffer.format

syncExportBuffer :: ShmBufferFrame -> IO ()
syncExportBuffer _ = pure ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,27 +179,27 @@ newClientShmManager client = do
formats = toFutureEx formats

-- | Gets the wayland client object for an `ShmPool`.
-- The `ShmPool` is borrowed for the duration of the call.
getClientShmPool :: ClientShmManager -> ShmPool -> STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] (Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool)
getClientShmPool client pool = do
readTVar client.wlShmPools >>= \pools -> case HM.lookup pool pools of
Just wlShmPool -> pure wlShmPool
Nothing -> do
wlShmPool <- exportClientShmPool client pool
wlShmPool <- exportClientShmPool
modifyTVar client.wlShmPools (HM.insert pool wlShmPool)
pure wlShmPool

exportClientShmPool :: ClientShmManager -> ShmPool -> STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] (Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool)
exportClientShmPool client pool = do
readTVar pool.fd >>= \case
Nothing -> throwM $ userError "Cannot export finalized ShmPool"
Just fd -> do
size <- readTVar pool.size
-- TODO attach downstream to propagate size changes and pool destruction
-- TODO (then: remove downstream when client is closed)
wlShmPool <- client.wlShm.create_pool fd size
disposer <- newUnmanagedTDisposer (tryCall wlShmPool.destroy)
connectDownstreamShmPool pool DownstreamShmPool {
resize = wlShmPool.resize
pure wlShmPool
exportClientShmPool :: STMc NoRetry '[SomeException] (Object 'Client Interface_wl_shm_pool)
exportClientShmPool =
mfix \wlShmPoolFix -> do
(disposer, size) <- liftSTMc $ attachSimpleObserver pool.size \newSize -> do
tryCall (wlShmPoolFix.resize newSize)
wlShmPool <- client.wlShm.create_pool pool.fd size
attachFinalizer wlShmPool do
modifyTVar client.wlShmPools (HM.delete pool)
disposeEventually_ disposer
callOnceCompleted_ (getDisposer pool) \_ -> tryCall wlShmPool.destroy
pure wlShmPool

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