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0.13.0: ngld overlayplugin is now required

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@quisquous quisquous released this 20 Nov 08:06

ngld's OverlayPlugin is now required

The future is now, or it is for the 50% of you who haven't bothered to update from hibiyasleep overlayplugin.

The hibiyasleep overlayplugin is now fully deprecated. cactbot only supports ngld's overlayplugin fork.

ugh why are you doing this

Yeah, I hate change too, sorry.

  • hibiyasleep's version hasn't updated in years, and so was using an extremely old chromium version. This meant that overlays could only use web features from Chrome 43. (Chrome is currently at version ~80). This helps folks write overlay more easily and helps compatibility of overlays.
  • These newer web features made it easier for me to add raidboss_timeline_only.html and raidboss_alerts_only.html.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin merges in ACT websocket support so you don't need both ACT WS and OverlayPlugin. This is especially good for streaming if you want to just include a window without capturing your whole desktop.
  • ngld's OverlayPlugin is also an active project that is adding nice features. It has better focus detection. It can hide during cutscenes. It's got a much nicer updater. It makes it easier to add new events that overlays can use (like who is in your party).
  • The future dream is that cactbot plugin code will get moved up into ngld's OverlayPlugin so that at some point in the far future you won't need a CactbotOverlay.dll, you'll just be able to use cactbot html directly with OverlayPlugin.

cactbot + ngld overlayplugin instructions

The readme is up to date: Please reread it, as it has changed from the hibiyasleep version.

The biggest difference from previous cactbot versions is that you should load the cactbot plugin as an ACT plugin and not put it in the addons/ folder. In the past, this was unsupported, but now is the recommended path to loading cactbot.

Here's some basic instructions, although the readme walks you through this with screenshots:

(1) disable the hibiyasleep OverlayPlugin.dll in ACT, close ACT
(2) download the latest version of the ngld overlayplugin
(3) unblock and unzip that somewhere on disk, like your user folder (DO NOT put this in the same hibiyasleep OverlayPlugin folder you were using before)
(4) load the OverlayPlugin.dll in that folder as an ACT plugin
(5) download the file
(6) read and follow these new instructions carefully:
(7) unzip that file somewhere else on disk, like your user folder
(8) add the CactbotOverlay.dll plugin as an ACT plugin, loaded after aka underneath in the list the FFXIV Plugin and the ngld OverlayPlugin
(9) you will need to re-add all of your overlays, sorry
(10) please also click the "Automatically Report Errors" checkbox in the general tab


  • finally merged in the ngldoverlay branch
  • fix for extremely broken timelines in 0.12.2 (#758, thanks @KattTails)
  • full TEA timeline, huge thanks to @Legends0


I'll work on getting more TEA triggers in the coming week or so. If anybody has a network log through most of the fight, please send it my way.

Sorry for all the bug hassles while I was out of town. 😭