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refactor: Move code around to make code easier to read (#33)
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  • Loading branch information
quodlibetor authored Jun 22, 2024
1 parent 1839d73 commit 12d8fcd
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Showing 7 changed files with 661 additions and 600 deletions.
118 changes: 118 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
use std::env;

use clap::Parser;

// Env vars that provide defaults for args

// Other defaults
pub(crate) const DEFAULT_UPSTREAM_BRANCHES: &[&str] = &["main", "master", "develop", "trunk"];
pub const DEFAULT_THEME: &str = "base16-ocean.dark";

#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
about = "Fix a commit in your history with your currently-staged changes",
long_about = "Fix a commit in your history with your currently-staged changes
When run with no arguments this will:
* If you have no staged changes, ask if you'd like to stage all changes
* Print a `diff --stat` of your currently staged changes
* Provide a list of commits to fixup or amend going back to:
* The merge-base of HEAD and the environment var GIT_INSTAFIX_UPSTREAM
(if it is set)
* HEAD's upstream
* Fixup your selected commit with the staged changes
max_term_width = 100
struct Args {
/// Change the commit message that you amend, instead of using the original commit message
#[clap(short = 's', long, hide = true)]
squash: Option<bool>,
/// The maximum number of commits to show when looking for your merge point
/// [gitconfig: instafix.max-commits]
#[clap(short = 'm', long = "max-commits", env = MAX_COMMITS_VAR)]
max_commits: Option<usize>,

/// Specify a commit to ammend by the subject line of the commit
#[clap(short = 'P', long)]
commit_message_pattern: Option<String>,

/// The branch to not go past when looking for your merge point
/// [gitconfig: instafix.default-upstream-branch]
#[clap(short = 'u', long, env = UPSTREAM_VAR)]
default_upstream_branch: Option<String>,

/// Require a newline when confirming y/n questions
/// [gitconfig: instafix.require-newline]
#[clap(long, env = REQUIRE_NEWLINE_VAR)]
require_newline: Option<bool>,

/// Show the possible color themes for output
help_themes: bool,

/// Use this theme
#[clap(long, env = THEME_VAR)]
theme: Option<String>,

/// Fully configured arguments after loading from env and gitconfig
pub struct Config {
/// Change the commit message that you amend, instead of using the original commit message
pub squash: bool,
/// The maximum number of commits to show when looking for your merge point
pub max_commits: usize,
/// Specify a commit to ammend by the subject line of the commit
pub commit_message_pattern: Option<String>,
pub default_upstream_branch: Option<String>,
/// Require a newline when confirming y/n questions
pub require_newline: bool,
/// User requested info about themes
pub help_themes: bool,
/// Which theme to use
pub theme: String,

/// Create a Config based on arguments and env vars
pub fn load_config_from_args_env_git() -> Config {
let mut args = Args::parse();
if env::args().next().unwrap().ends_with("squash") {
args.squash = Some(true)

fn args_to_config_using_git_config(args: Args) -> Result<Config, anyhow::Error> {
let mut cfg = git2::Config::open_default()?;
let repo = git2::Repository::discover(".")?;
cfg.add_file(&repo.path().join("config"), git2::ConfigLevel::Local, false)?;
Ok(Config {
squash: args
.unwrap_or_else(|| cfg.get_bool("instafix.squash").unwrap_or(false)),
max_commits: args
.unwrap_or_else(|| cfg.get_i32("instafix.max-commits").unwrap_or(15) as usize),
commit_message_pattern: args.commit_message_pattern,
default_upstream_branch: args
.or_else(|| cfg.get_string("instafix.default-upstream-branch").ok()),
require_newline: args
.unwrap_or_else(|| cfg.get_bool("instafix.require-newline").unwrap_or(false)),
help_themes: args.help_themes,
theme: args.theme.unwrap_or_else(|| {
.unwrap_or_else(|_| DEFAULT_THEME.to_string())

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