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This project is based on wechaty and aims to forward WeChat messages to a Telegram bot. It is currently in the testing phase and uses the UOS protocol's puppet implementation, which can bypass some issues with certain accounts not being able to log in to the WeChat web version.
Currently implemented features include:
- Forwarding group messages that @ you in WeChat to a Telegram bot
- Forwarding private WeChat messages containing images, voice messages, text, or videos to a Telegram bot
- Group message whitelist
Install dependencies:
npm install
Configure the Telegram bot's token and proxy information in the
file. -
Run the program:
npm start
Scan the QR code to log in to your WeChat account.
docker run -itd --env BOT_TOKEN="" --env HOST="" --env PORT="" --env USERNAME="" --env PASSWORD="" --env PROTOCOL="socks5" finalpi/wechat2tg:latest
docker-compose up -d
This project is only for technical research and learning purposes, and must not be used for illegal activities.