Large update to the QuMada documentation:
Documentation Updates:
- New/Expanded basic tutorial
- Expanded device_object section
- Updated example scripts that work completely with dummy instruments.
- Docstrings for all measurement scripts (check QuMada API documentation)
- Fixing outdated imports, code snippets, notes, etc.
- Generic_1D_parallel_asym_Sweep was renamed to Generic_1D_parallel_Sweep. The old Generic_1D_parallel_Sweep is deprecated.
- make_terminals_globals argument QumadaDevice class and its method create_from_dict() was removed. Terminals are automatically added to a namespace, if it is provided as namespace argument.
- Added run_measurement method to the device object. This methods can run arbitrary QuMada measurement scripts. See documentation for more information
- Timetrace_with_Sweeps_buffered can now sweep multiple parameters simultaneously.
- Fixed issue where names given to measurements started with the device object were not used.
- Pulsed measurements and 2D sweeps started with the device object should work with sensor compensation now
- Moved outdated tutorials/examples into legacy folder
- [] pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #116
Full Changelog: