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In-Game NBTEdit / 游戏内NBT编辑器

A Minecraft mod allows you to edit any NBT tags of the game content with a GUI while in-game. Such as TileEntities, Entities. It may help map creators to make custom items or help mod creators to debug.
本模组可以用于在游戏内编辑物品、实体或方块的 NBT ,可能会对地图制作者制作自定义物品或模组开发者 Debug 有所帮助。

Forge, NeoForge, Fabric are supported!
Forge、NeoForge、Fabric 均已支持!

Documents before version 5.2.0 (5.2.0 版本之前的文档)



Press N (by default) to edit your target BlockEntity, Entity or ItemStack in main hand (if target is missing).
使用 N 键(默认情况下)打开编辑界面。编辑的目标为十字准星指向的方块实体或者实体,如果没有指向则编辑主手上的物品。

  • Ctrl + C to Copy a node. (复制)
  • Ctrl + V to Paste a node. (粘贴)
  • Ctrl + X to Cut a node. (剪切)
  • Ctrl + D to Delete a node. (删除)


  • /nbtedit me
    Edit player themselves.

  • /nbtedit hand
    Edit ItemStack in player's main hand.

  • /nbtedit <x> <y> <z>
    Edit BlockEntity at x y z.
    编辑位于 x y z 的方块实体。

  • /nbtedit <entity selector>
    Edit Entity with entity selector.
    编辑由 entity selector 选择的实体。


Name(权限名) Default Level(默认等级) Description(说明)
use 2 Open the editor to edit the NBT.
使用编辑器编辑 NBT 的权限。
read_only 1 Open the editor to view NBT, but can't save.
使用编辑器查看 NBT 的权限,保存按钮会被禁用。
edit_on_player 4 Use the editor on player, some issue may be caused. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

If you're using Forge or NeoForge, you may need a permission plugin like LuckPerms to grant permission node nbtedit.<Permission Node> to any player, or use as the same as Fabric.
在 Forge 或者 NeoForge 平台使用,可以搭配权限管理模组(例如 LuckPerms)授予玩家 nbtedit.<权限名> 的权限节点,或者像 Fabric 一样调整配置文件。



Location(位置): .minecraft/config/nbtedit.toml

# General settings. 
    # Enable debug logs. Necessary if you are reporting bugs. (显示调试日志,反馈问题时需要。)
    debug = false

    # Permission node levels. Like vanilla, should in 0 ~ 5 range. (权限节点默认等级,取值和原版相同。)
       use = 2
       read_only = 1
       edit_on_player = 4


Location(位置): .minecraft/config/nbtedit.json

  "debug": false,           // Enable debug logs. Necessary if you are reporting bugs. (显示调试日志,反馈问题时需要。)
  "permissionsLevels": {    // Permission node levels. Like vanilla, should in 0 ~ 5 range. (权限节点默认等级,取值和原版相同。)
    "read_only": 1,
    "edit_on_player": 4,
    "use": 2



使用截图 #1
使用截图 #2

Common issues(常见问题)

  • I was kicked when I tried to save my edit(在尝试保存时被服务器踢出):
    If it shows Payload may not be larger than 32767 bytes, please use Packet Fixer by TonimatasDEV to fix it.
    如果客户端显示 Payload may not be larger than 32767 bytes,请使用 TonimatasDEVPacket Fixer 修复。

Bug report / Feature request(反馈/催更)

Please go to the issues page of GitHub repo.
请到 Issues 页面 提出。