Fetches exchange rates for currency pairs (eg. XRP/USD, BTC/EUR) from various sources. Data can be stored in memory, MariaDB or PostgreSQL. For XRPL it's additionally possible to store exchange rates on-chain using an XRPL TrustSet command.
If stored in memory or a database, this service offers a REST API to fetch persisted data. API calls are protected using env.ADMINPWR
and x-api-key
HTTP header.
Don't trust. Verify. Run your own instance to ensure you're getting the expected data.
- r3PDXzXky6gboMrwurmSCiUyhzdrFyAbfu (XRPL main)
- 2024-04-20 Deprecated rpXCfDds782Bd6eK9Hsn15RDnGMtxf752m (XRPL main)
url | description | examples |
GET /rate/:id?quote=USD | Get latest quote for currency pair | /rate/XRP?quote=USD (x-api-key required) |
GET /rate/:id?quote=USD&at=YYYYMMDDTHHmmssZ | Get quote for currency pair at a point in (UTC) time | /rate/XRP?quote=USD&at=20231207T073723Z (x-api-key required) |
GET /apikey | List all api keys | /apikey?pwr=env.ADMINPWR |
POST /apikey | Create new api key for URL encoded form data 'name' | /apikey?pwr=env.ADMINPWR |
GET /health | HTTP 200 if good or HTTP 500 with details | /health?pwr=env.ADMINPWR |
GET /status | JSON status response | /status?pwr=env.ADMINPWR |
Exchange rate sources are defined in ./provider/definitions with one json file per base currency.
.env variable | values (<default>) | description |
PORT | <3000> | HTTP port for service |
TIMEOUT_SECONDS | <15> | Timeout seconds for exchange rate source timeout |
LOG_INFO | <false> | True if infos should be printed to console |
UNHEALTHY_AFTER | <900000> | Millis without any new exchange rates until service returns HTTP 500 at /health |
UNHEALTHY_SHELL_COMMAND | Shell command to be executed if the service considers itself unhealthy | |
ADMINPWR | Password for administrative calls | |
APIKEYS | Comma separated list of additional valid api keys | |
FETCH_CURRENCIES | [XRP,XAH], <[]> | Comma separated list of baseCurrencies to be fetched. [] or obmitted is considered all |
PUBLISH_INTERVAL | <60000> | Fetch & publish trigger interval in millis |
RATELIMIT_WINDOW_MS | <60000> | API rate limit time window in millis |
RATELIMIT_MAX | <60> | API rate limit max calls in time window |
DB_PROVIDER | mariadb, postgres | Storage provider or null, for memory storage only |
DB_HOST | Database (db) server name | |
DB_NAME | Database name | |
DB_USER | Database user | |
DB_PASSWORD | Database password | |
RATESTORE_MAXAGE_SECONDS | <5184000>, <7200> | Maximum age to keep in storage before removal (2 month for db, 2 hours for memory) |
XRPL_TRUSTLINE_PUBLISH_CONFIG | 'json_array' | JSON config string for XRPL on-chain storage or omitted if not used |
A JSON array defining how and which exchange rates should be stored on-chain.
"publishCurrencies": [
"endpoint": "wss://s.altnet.rippletest.net:51233",
"maxFeeDrops": 1010,
"accountPublicKey": "rKF4sbPfJiNUQwAh4R6PuYqJRCxaBX8W76",
"accountSecret": "s...",
"issuerPublicKey": "r9yFdE8aASi5opAoYASYpyo9iqYF8Ly3jJ"
"publishCurrencies": [
"endpoint": "wss://xahau-test.net",
"feeProvider": "hooksFee",
"maxFeeDrops": 1500,
"accountPublicKey": "rHEbBTy4t5BGS7o4EmHyP6uZ9P7M53mziK",
"accountSecret": "s...",
"issuerPublicKey": "r32imWPz2BX199eFi12Uae3AEZYv93BBGT"