Simple developer SDK for RAIRprotocol. Note: Before you start you need an Admin NFT which can be minted here using Metamask and a small amount of Base Gas. If you need Base Gas please reach out to us.
npm install @rair-protocol/sdk
After installing, you can import and initialize the SDK:
import { RairSDK } from "@rair-protocol/sdk";
const settings = {
serverURL, // URL for backend. Default sandbox URL to try if you haven't deployed your own backend rair-node yet
socketURL, // URL for socket.
export const rairSDK = new RairSDK(settings);
After Initializng the SDK here are the first things you can do to get a working dApp
Follow these steps below to deploy our existing sample application
const getChallenge = async (userAddress: Hex, ownerAddress?: Hex) => {
const responseData = await rairSDK.auth.getChallenge({ // use getChallenge from auth folder
userAddress: userAddress,
intent: "login",
ownerAddress: ownerAddress || userAddress,
return responseData.response;
All requests what you need to use you can find in src/API
Some example:
For user lists
const { data } = await rairSDK.users.listUsers();
Request with arguments
const responseData = await rairSDK.notifications.listNotifications({
pageNum: pageNum,
To use the SDK you need to use rairSDK(exported above), select the desired file with requests and select the request
file - src/API/users
request - findUserByUserAddress
const userDataResponse = await rairSDK.users.findUserByUserAddress({
publicAddress: loginData.userAddress,
is a required argument in this request
Demo project for rair sdk -
make git clone
and yarn
and yarn start