#Run Terraform: Create Project, link billing, enable apis, and create Repo for Website
#Initialize Firebase
#Login to Firebase console, initialize gcp project & database.
gcloud init
gcloud beta firestore import gs://${bucket}/2018-11-27T02:18:39_87408
#Deploy Website - Manually
#Initialize local repo and push to GCP repo
gcloud functions deploy getRandomQuestion --source=${project}/repos/${repo} --trigger-http
gcloud functions deploy checkanswer --source=${project}/repos/${repo} --trigger-http
#Configure Jeknins Job - Add Credential
gcloud auth activate-service-account --key-file=key.json
gcloud functions list
gcloud functions deploy getRandomQuestion --trigger-http --source=${project}/repos/${repo}
gcloud functions deploy checkanswer --trigger-http --source=${project}/repos/${repo}