This application is a hack for the Flipkart Affiliate Program, that generates particular amount of Flipkart android app Installation, for the Affiliate's tracking id.
It is completely based on the Flipkart APIs (Intercepted). There are certain parameters (like Android device id) that helps flipkart to check whether the app was installed first time. So I intercepted all that data and RANDOMISED them in such a way that it felt like a first installation for every single request.
Navigate to Change Tracking id, Change Concurrency Value, Change Install Type and Installation Report.
Enter the flipkart affiliate tracking and api token value correctly. You can find it here,
Inorder to send mutliple request at a time, set the Concurrency value. And the request limit is the maximum limit value for the request.
Direct or Fallback installation type. You can find the commission rates over here
It lets you track the Installation report based on the filter value whether Tentative, Approved or Disapproved.