An example of a full stack web application. It implements a simple (and rather bare-bones looking) to-do list.
It has two parts. The back end system serves REST calls. The back end system uses an embedded HSQL database, Hibernate, Jersey and Jackson. The front end system runs on a separate web server and serves up the javascipt and html pages. The front end is a single page Angular app.
You will need Maven and NPM installed to run this.
- Clone the tasklist project
- Go into the backend/ directory.
- Build the backend with "mvn package"
- Populate the database with "java -jar target\tasklist-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar bootstrap tasklist.yml"
- Run the backend server with "java -jar target\tasklist-backend-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar server tasklist.yml"
- Go into the frontend/ directory
- Setup webserver to host the javascript with "npm install"
- Run the webserver with "npm start"
- Hit http://localhost:8000/app