DAT257 / DIT543 Agile software project management lp4 VT20 (7.5 hp). Course is offered by the department of Computer Science and Engineering
- Philip Tibom (ptibom)
- Raoul Kent (raoulk)
- Alfred Kjeller (akjeller)
- Marcus Gedda (geddsson)
- Joar Hellqvist (JoarHellqvist)
Hussein Joudah (xslimShadyx)- dropped out of the course early in the project
Here's where you will find source-code, including javadocs where applicable.
Here is where you will find:
- Personal- and team-reflections
- Diagrams (UML, ER, BMC etc.)
- gitinspector html dump
- Deliverables (containing: Business model canvas, app mockup, project description)
- Design documentation, (DoD is found within file Designbeslut kod.docx)
- Final Team Reflection
- Social Contract
The application apk file, compiled from source.