Thie repository contains example tasks and code samples for hackathon.
This project is built based on rye but you can install the same modules/dependencies by using other tools, like pip.
Rye can be installed for linux/mac with following command
curl -sSf | bash
The further installation instructions, including Windows binaries, can be found here,
# rye --version
rye 0.39.0
commit: 0.39.0 (bf3ccf818 2024-08-21)
platform: linux (x86_64)
self-python: [email protected]
symlink support: true
uv enabled: true
Once you have installed rye, clone the project
# git clone
Cloning into 'nogfi-hackathon-1'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 82, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (82/82), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (49/49), done.
remote: Total 82 (delta 30), reused 77 (delta 25), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (82/82), 23.55 KiB | 4.71 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (30/30), done.
cd to the directore and run 'rye sync'
# cd nogfi-hackathon-1
# rye sync
Initializing new virtualenv in /root/code/nogfi-hackathon-1/.venv
Python version: [email protected]
Generating production lockfile: /root/code/nogfi-hackathon-1/requirements.lock
Generating dev lockfile: /root/code/nogfi-hackathon-1/requirements-dev.lock
Installing dependencies
Resolved 138 packages in 885ms
Built nogfi-hackathon @ file:///root/code/nogfi-hackathon-1
Built napalm-ros @ git+
Built napalm-ftos @ git+
Built english-words==2.0.1
Built ncclient==0.6.15
Built pyftpdlib==1.5.10
Built pyeapi==1.0.4
Built tftpy==0.8.0
Built pygnmi==0.8.14
Built f5-icontrol-rest==1.3.13
Built nornir-pygnmi==0.2.0
Built detect==2020.12.3
Prepared 137 packages in 9.98s
Installed 138 packages in 1.01s
+ aiofiles==24.1.0
+ aiohappyeyeballs==2.4.0
+ aiohttp==3.10.5
this will install all the needed dependencies to run the tasks.
you can activate the virtual env
# . .venv/bin/activate
# python
Python 3.12.4 (main, Jul 25 2024, 22:42:01) [Clang 18.1.8 ] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import netmiko
and decativate it
If you prefer to manage the python env and dependencies via some other way, for example via pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
The lab devices consist of virtual lab devices and simulated devices with fakenos.
The virtual lab devices should be primary way to test your code as those have the full control/data/mgmt plane and it allows you to run any kind of tests. However, there are limited number of different NOSes and devices available for testing the scalability of your code.
FakeNOS is a simulator, it does not emulate any of Network Control, Data or Management planes, it merely takes the commands as input and responds with predefined output. However, it's possible to simulate access to 100s of devices.
The lab can be accessed directly from the provided wifi network. The credentials for the lab devices are admin/admin.
- juniper-vqfx
- dell-sonic
Fakenos simulation can be run on your own laptop. You can start the simulated devices based on the yaml configuration file, in which you define the desired platform, user/pass and the port. The available platforms can be found here
username: admin
password: admin
platform: cisco_ios
port: 6000
username: admin
password: admin
platform: hp_comware
port: 6001
username: admin
password: admin
platform: dell_force10
port: 6002
Running the command, will spin up 3 instances
# rye run fakenos --inventory src/nogfi_hackathon/fakenos/inventory_small.yaml
Initiating FakeNOS
INFO:fakenos.plugins.utils.cli:Initiating FakeNOS
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:The following devices has been initiated: ['R1', 'R2', 'R3']
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device R1 is running on port 6000
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device R2 is running on port 6001
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device R3 is running on port 6002
and after that you can login to the devices
# ssh admin@localhost -p 6000
FakeNOS Paramiko SSH Server
admin@localhost's password:
Custom SSH Shell
R1>show version
Cisco IOS Software, IOSv Software (VIOS-ADVENTERPRISEK9-M), Version 15.8(3)M2, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2)
Technical Support:
Copyright (c) 1986-2019 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Compiled Thu 28-Mar-19 14:06 by prod_rel_team
ROM: Bootstrap program is IOSv
rtr-01 uptime is 1 week, 3 days, 16 hours, 11 minutes
System returned to ROM by reload
System image file is "flash0:/vios-adventerprisek9-m"
Last reload reason: Unknown reason
This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United
States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and
use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply
third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption.
Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for
compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you
agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable
to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately.
A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at:
If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to
[email protected].
Cisco IOSv (revision 1.0) with with 460137K/62464K bytes of memory.
Processor board ID 991UCMIHG4UAJ1J010CQG
4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces
DRAM configuration is 72 bits wide with parity disabled.
256K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.
2097152K bytes of ATA System CompactFlash 0 (Read/Write)
0K bytes of ATA CompactFlash 1 (Read/Write)
11217K bytes of ATA CompactFlash 2 (Read/Write)
0K bytes of ATA CompactFlash 3 (Read/Write)
Configuration register is 0x0
It's also possible to spin up larger range of devices
username: admin
password: admin
platform: cisco_ios
- 6001
- 6100
replicas: 100
# rye run fakenos --inventory src/nogfi_hackathon/fakenos/inventory_100_ios.yaml
Initiating FakeNOS
INFO:fakenos.plugins.utils.cli:Initiating FakeNOS
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:The following devices has been initiated: ['ios56', 'ios28', 'ios61', 'ios11', 'ios41', 'ios49', 'ios79', 'ios92', 'ios52', 'ios53', 'ios14', 'ios60', 'ios86', 'ios97', 'ios88', 'ios48', 'ios35', 'ios25', 'ios24', 'ios18', 'ios51', 'ios50', 'ios69', 'ios2', 'ios8', 'ios89', 'ios96', 'ios94', 'ios82', 'ios59', 'ios37', 'ios40', 'ios72', 'ios10', 'ios66', 'ios80', 'ios38', 'ios68', 'ios17', 'ios43', 'ios75', 'ios62', 'ios42', 'ios27', 'ios76', 'ios54', 'ios21', 'ios64', 'ios81', 'ios39', 'ios6', 'ios22', 'ios57', 'ios46', 'ios34', 'ios36', 'ios83', 'ios93', 'ios99', 'ios1', 'ios29', 'ios5', 'ios4', 'ios3', 'ios90', 'ios58', 'ios16', 'ios7', 'ios0', 'ios13', 'ios31', 'ios9', 'ios15', 'ios84', 'ios73', 'ios65', 'ios44', 'ios45', 'ios47', 'ios71', 'ios85', 'ios78', 'ios74', 'ios67', 'ios98', 'ios87', 'ios63', 'ios77', 'ios26', 'ios55', 'ios33', 'ios30', 'ios32', 'ios20', 'ios19', 'ios23', 'ios91', 'ios12', 'ios70', 'ios95']
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device ios56 is running on port 6001
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device ios28 is running on port 6002
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device ios61 is running on port 6003
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device ios11 is running on port 6004
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device ios41 is running on port 6005
INFO:fakenos.core.fakenos:Device ios49 is running on port 6006