The primary goal of the thesis was to perform a comparative study of text detection in natural scene images using learned and hand-crafted feature descriptor. Scale Invaraint Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptor was used as the hand-crafted feature descriptor. The Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) were used to detect the scales of the text present in the image automatically. A detailed study was performed on the effect of automatic scale detection on both text detection using learned features and hand-crafted features.
- presentations - contains presentation prepared during my Master thesis. Includes a small video (./pics/URHere.avi) displaying the text detection predictions by the generated model.
- report - Final Master thesis report
- repository - Code repository (includes python and matlab code) The coding is mostly carried out in python using Scipy, Numpy, OpenCv and Vlfeat The code contains Spherical K-means implementation and also GAP statistic implementation. Spherical K-means is used to generate visual vocabulaory in Bag of Feature paradigm. GAP statistic is used to determine the optimum number of clusters.