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title: Proving Type Preservation of $\beta$-reduction in System F
title: Investigating IVC with Accumulation Schemes
- Rasmus Kirk Jakobsen
theme: Berlin
date: 2024-01-08
institute: Computer Science Aarhus
fontsize: 9pt
lang: en-US
slide-levels: 2
section-titles: true
toc: true
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# Accumulation Scheme based on the Discrete Log assumption
# Accumulation Scheme based DL

## In general

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## Soundness Proof (3/?)

\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{ wins}] &= \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins}] + \Pr[\Bc_2\text{ wins}] - \Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \land \Bc_2 \text{ wins}]\\
Expand All @@ -303,9 +302,327 @@ in $\l$.

## Soundness Proof (3/?)

- $\CM_1$:
- $\CM_1.\Setup^{\rho_0}(1^\l, D) := \pp_\PC \from \PCDLSetup^{\rho_0}(1^\lambda, D)$
- $\CM_1.\Commit((p(X), h(X)), \_) := (C \from \PCDLCommit(p(X), d, \bot), h)$
- $\Mc_{\CM_1} := \{(p(X), h(X) = \a^j h_j(X))\} \in \Pc((\Fb_q^{\leq D}[X])^2)$
- $z_{\CM_1} := \rho_1(\CM_1.\Commit((p(X), h(X)), \_)) = \rho_1((C \from \PCDLCommit(p(X), d, \bot), h)) = z_\acc$
- $\CM_2$:
- $\CM_2.\Setup^{\rho_0}(1^\l, D) := \pp_\PC \from \PCDLSetup^{\rho_0}(1^\lambda, D)$
- $\CM_2.\Commit([(h_j(X), U_j)]^m, \_) := [(h_j(X), U_j)]^m$:
- $\Mc_{\CM_2} := \{[(h_j(X), U_j)]^m\} \in \Pc((\Fb_q^{\leq D}[X] \times \Eb(\Fb_q))^m)$
- $z_{\CM_2} := \rho_1(\CM_2.\Commit([(h_j(X), U_j)]^m, \_)) = \rho_1([(h_j(X), U_j)]^m) = \a$


- $f^{(1)}_\pp(p(X), h(X) = [h_j(X)]^m) := a(X) = p(X) - \sum_{j=1}^m \a^j h_j(X)$,
- $f^{(2)}_\pp(p = [(h_j(X), U_j)]^m) := b(Z) = \sum_{j=1}^m a_j Z^j$ where for each $j \in [m]$:
- $B_j \leftarrow \PCDLCommit(h_j, d, \bot)$
- Compute $b_j : b_j G = U_j - B_j$

## Soundness Proof (3/?)

\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Cc^{\rho_1}(\pp_\PC)$}
\State Parse $\pp_\PC$ to get the security parameter $1^\l$ and set $\AS$ public parameters $\pp_{\AS} := 1^\l$.
\State Compute $(\vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) \leftarrow \Ac^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$.
\State Parse $\pp_\PC$ to get the degree bound $D$.
\State Output $(D, \acc_i = (C_\acc, d_\acc, z_\acc, v_\acc), \vec{q})$.

- Running $\Ec_\Cc^{\rho_1}$ on $\Cc$ gives $p$, given $\ASDLDecider$ accepts, with $\Pr[1 - \negl]$:
- $C_\acc$ is a deterministic commitment to $p(X)$.
- $p(z_\acc) = v_\acc$
- $\deg(p) \leq d_\acc \leq D$

## Soundness Proof (3/?)

The $\ASDLDecider$ (and $\ASDLVerifier$'s) will accept
with probability $\d$, s.t. the following holds:

- $\ASDLVerifier^{\rho_1}((q_{\acc_{i-1}} \cat \vec{q}), \acc_i) = \top$
- $\ASDLDecider^{\rho_1}(\acc_i) = \top$
- $\exists i \in [n] : \Phi_\AS(q_i) = \bot \implies \PCDLCheck^{\rho_0}(C_i, d_i, z_i, v_i, \pi_i) = \bot$

Let's denote this event as $E_\Dc$. We're interested in the probability $\Pr[E_\Ec
\land E_\Dc]$. Using the chain rule we get:
\Pr[E_\Ec \land E_\Dc] &= \Pr[E_\Ec \; | \; E_\Dc] \cdot \Pr[E_\Ec] \\
&= \d \cdot (1 - \negl(\l)) \\
&= \d - \d \cdot \negl(\l) \\
&= \d - \negl(\l)

## Soundness proof

- Since $\ASDLVerifier^{\rho_1}((q_{\acc_{i-1}} \cat \vec{q}), \acc_i)$ accepts,
then, by construction, all the following holds:

1. For each $j \in [m]$, $\PCDLSuccinctCheck$ accepts.
2. Parsing $\acc_i = (C_\acc, d_\acc, z_\acc, v_\acc)$ and setting $\a := \rho_1([(h_j(X), U_j)]^m)$, we have that:
- $z_\acc = \rho_1(C_\acc, [h_j(X)]^m)$
- $C_\acc = \sum_{j=1}^m \a^j U_j$
- $v_\acc = \sum_{j=1}^m \a^j h_j(z)$

- By construction, this implies that either:
- $\PCDLSuccinctCheck$ rejects, which we showed above is not the case, so therefore,
- The group element $U_j$ is not a commitment to $h_j(X)$.

## Soundness Proof

\caption*{\textbf{The Adversary} $\Bc_k^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$}
\State Compute $(D, \acc_i, \vec{q}) \leftarrow C^{\rho_1}(\pp_\AS)$.
\State Compute $p \leftarrow \Ec_C^\rho(\pp_\AS)$.
\State For each $q_j \in \vec{q}$ : $(h_j, U_j) \from \PCDLSuccinctCheck(q_j)$.
\State Compute $\a := \rho_1([(h_j, U_j)]^m)$.
\If{$k = 1$}
\State Output $((n, D), (p, h := ([h_j]^m)))$
\ElsIf{$k = 2$}
\State Output $((n, D), ([(h_j, U_j)]^m))$

## Soundness Proof

1. $C_\acc \neq \sum_{j=1}^m \a^j B_j$: This means that for some $j \in [m]$,
$U_j \neq B_j$. Since $C_\acc$ is a commitment to $p(X)$, $p(X) - h(X)$ is
not identically zero, but $p(z_\acc) = h(z_\acc)$. Thusly, $a(X) \neq 0$
and $a(z_\acc) = 0$. Because $z_\acc = z_a$ is sampled using the random
oracle $\rho_1$, $\Bc_1$ wins the zero-finding game against $(\CM_1,

2. $C = \sum_{j=1}^n \a^j B_j$. Which means that for all $j \in [m]$, $U_j =
B_j$. Since $C = \sum_{j=1}^n \a^j U_j$, $\a$ is a root of the
polynomial $a(Z)$, $a(\a) = 0$. Because $\a$ is sampled using the random
oracle $\rho_1$, $\Bc_2$ wins the zero-finding game against $(CM_2,


- Either $\Bc_1, \Bc_2$ win if $E_\Ec \land E_\Dc$, so $\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{wins}] = \delta - \negl(\l)$.
- Since the above cases are mutually exclusive $\Pr[\Bc_1 \text{ wins} \lor \Bc_2 \text{wins}]$.
- Thus, the probability that $\Ac$ breaks the soundness of $\ASDL$ is negligible.

## Efficiency analysis

## Accumulation Scheme IVC
### Analysis

- $\ASDLCommonSubroutine$:
- Step 6: $m$ calls to $\PCDLSuccinctCheck$, $\Oc(2m\lg(d))$ scalar muls.
- Step 11: $m$ scalar muls.

Step 6 dominates with $\Oc(2m\lg(d)) = \Oc(m\lg(d))$ scalar muls.
- $\ASDLProver$:
- Step 4: Call to $\ASDLCommonSubroutine$, $\Oc(md)$ scalar muls.
- Step 5: Evaluation of $h(X)$, $\Oc(\lg(d))$ scalar muls.
- Step 6: Call to $\PCDLOpen$, $\Oc(3d)$ scalar muls.

Step 6 dominates with $\Oc(3d) = \Oc(d)$ scalar muls.
- $\ASDLVerifier$:
- Step 2: Call to $\ASDLCommonSubroutine$, $\Oc(2m\lg(d))$ scalar muls.
- $\ASDLDecider$:
- Step 2: Call to $\PCDLCheck$, with $\Oc(d)$ scalar muls.


- So $\ASDLProver$ and $\ASDLDecider$ are linear and $\ASDLDecider$ is sub-linear.

<!-- TODO: steps -->

# IVC based on Accumulation

## test

- We assume we have an underlying NARK which proof consists of only instances
$\pi \in \Proof = \{ \vec{q} \}$. We assume this NARK has three algorithms:
- $\NARKProver(R: \Circuit, x: \PublicInfo, w: \Witness) \to \Proof$
- $\NARKVerifier(R: \Circuit, x: \PublicInfo, \pi) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$
- $\NARKVerifierFast(R: \Circuit, x: \PublicInfo) \to \Result(\top, \bot)$

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm]

% Nodes
\node (s0) [node] {$s_0$};
\node (s1) [node, right=of s0] {$(s_1, \pi_1, \acc_1)$};
\node (dots) [right=2.25cm of s1] {$\dots$};
\node (sn) [node, right=0.5cm of dots] {$(s_n, \pi_n, \acc_n)$};

% Arrows with labels
\draw[thick-arrow] (s0) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_0, \bot, \bot)$} (s1);
\draw[thick-arrow] (s1) -- node[above] {$\Pc(s_1, \pi_1, \acc_1)$} (dots);
\draw[thick-arrow] (dots) -- (sn);


## test

- $\pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, s_{i-1}$ from the previous iteration.
- $s_i = F(s_{i-1})$
- $\acc_i = \ASProver(\vec{q}, \acc_{i-1})$
- $x = \{ R_{IVC}, s_0, s_i, \acc_i \}$
- $w = \{ s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1} \}$

x_{i-1} &:= \{ R_{IVC}, s_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1} \} \\
\Vc_1 &:= \NARKVerifierFast(R_{IVC}, x_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}) \meq \top \\
\Vc_2 &:= \ASVerifier(\pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) \meq \top \\
R_{IVC} &:= \text{I.K } w \text{ s.t. } F(s_{i-1}) \meq s_i \land (s_{i-1} \meq s_0 \lor ( \Vc_1 \land \Vc_2 ) ) \\

## test

% First Layer
\node[draw, rectangle] (q) at (6, 6.5) {$\vec{q}$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (acc_prev) at (7.5, 6.5) {$\acc_{i-1}$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (acc_next) at (9, 6.5) {$\acc_i$};

\node[draw, rectangle] (R_ivc) at (2.25, 6.5) {$R_{IVC}$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (x_prev) at (3.5, 6.5) {$x_{i-1}$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (pi_prev) at (4.75, 6.5) {$\pi_{i-1}$};

\node[draw, rectangle] (s_next) at (-1.5, 6.5) {$s_i$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (s_prev) at (-0.25, 6.5) {$s_{i-1}$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (s_0) at (1, 6.5) {$s_0$};

\draw[dashed-arrow] (pi_prev) -- (4.75, 7) -- (6, 7) -- (q);

\draw[dashed-arrow] (R_ivc) -- (2.25, 7) -- (3.5, 7) -- (x_prev);
\draw[dashed-arrow] (s_prev) -- (-0.25, 7.1) -- (3.5, 7.1) -- (x_prev);
\draw[dashed-arrow] (acc_prev) -- (7.5, 7.2) -- (3.5, 7.2) -- (x_prev);

% Second Layer
\node[draw, rectangle] (svf) at (3.5, 5.5) {$\NARKVerifierFast$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (asv) at (7.5, 5.5) {$\ASVerifier$};

\draw[arrow] (R_ivc) -- (svf);
\draw[arrow] (x_prev) -- (svf);
\draw[arrow] (pi_prev) -- (svf);

\draw[arrow] (q) -- (asv);
\draw[arrow] (acc_prev) -- (asv);
\draw[arrow] (acc_next) -- (asv);

% Third Layer
\node[draw, rectangle] (asv_svf_and) at (5.75, 4.5) {$\land$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (base_case) at (1, 4.5) {$s_{i-1} \meq s_0$};

\draw[arrow] (asv) -- (asv_svf_and);
\draw[arrow] (svf) -- (asv_svf_and);

\draw[arrow] (s_prev) -- (base_case);
\draw[arrow] (s_0) -- (base_case);

% Fourth Layer
\node[draw, rectangle] (or) at (4, 3.5) {$\lor$};
\node[draw, rectangle] (F) at (-1, 3.5) {$F(s_{i-1}) \meq s_i$};

\draw[arrow] (asv_svf_and) -- (or);
\draw[arrow] (base_case) -- (or);

\draw[arrow] (s_next) -- (F);
\draw[arrow] (s_prev) -- (F);

% Fifth Layer
\node[draw, rectangle] (end_and) at (3, 2.5) { $\land$ };
\draw[arrow] (or) -- (end_and);
\draw[arrow] (F) -- (end_and);


## test

\caption*{\textbf{Algorithm} $\IVCProver$}
\textbf{Inputs} \\
\Desc{$R_{IVC}: \Circuit$}{The IVC circuit as defined above.} \\
\Desc{$x: \PublicInputs$}{Public inputs for $R_{IVC}$.} \\
\Desc{$w: \Option(\Witness)$}{Private inputs for $R_{IVC}$.} \\
\textbf{Output} \\
\Desc{$(S, \Proof, \Acc)$}{The values for the next IVC iteration.}
\Require $x = \{ s_0 \}, \; \; w = \{ s_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1} \} \lor w = \bot$
\State \textbf{If} $w = \bot$ \textbf{Then} $w = \{ s_{i-1} = s_0 \}$ (base-case) \textbf{Else}:
\State \algind Run the accumulation prover: $\acc_i = \ASProver(\pi_{i-1} = \vec{q}, \acc_{i-1})$.
\State \algind Compute the next value: $s_i = F(s_{i-1})$.
\State \algind Define $x' = x \cup \{ R_{IVC}, s_i, \acc_i \}$.
\State Generate a NARK proof using $R_{IVC}$: $\pi_i = \NARKProver(R_{IVC}, x', w)$.
\State Output $(s_i, \pi_i, \acc_i)$

## test

\caption*{\textbf{Algorithm} $\IVCVerifier$}
\textbf{Inputs} \\
\Desc{$R_{IVC}: \Circuit$}{The IVC circuit.} \\
\Desc{$x: \PublicInputs$}{Public inputs for $R_{IVC}$.} \\
\textbf{Output} \\
\Desc{$\Result(\top, \bot)$}{Returns $\top$ or $\bot$.}
\Require $x = \{ s_0, s_i, \acc_i \}$
\State Define $x' = x \cup \{ R_{IVC} \}$.
\State Verify that the accumulation scheme decider accepts: $\top \meq \ASDecider(\acc_i)$.
\State Verify the validity of the IVC proof: $\top \meq \NARKVerifier(R_{IVC}, x', \pi_i)$.
\State If the above two checks pass, then output $\top$, else output $\bot$.

## test

&\IVCVerifier(R_{IVC}, x_n = \{ s_0, s_n, \acc_i \}, \pi_n) = \top &&\then \\
&\forall i \in [n], \forall q_j \in \pi_i = \vec{q} : \PCDLCheck(q_j) = \top &&\;\; \land \\
&F(s_{n-1}) = s_n \land (s_{n-1} = s_0 \lor ( \Vc_1 \land \Vc_2 )) &&\then \\
&\ASVerifier(\pi_{n-1}, \acc_{n-1}, \acc_n) = \top &&\;\; \land \\
&\NARKVerifierFast(R_{IVC}, x_{n-1}, \pi_{n-1}) = \top &&\then \dots \\
&F(s_0) = s_1 \land (s_0 = s_0 \lor ( \Vc_1 \land \Vc_2 )) &&\then \\
&F(s_0) = s_1 &&\then \\

1. $\forall i \in [2, n] : \ASVerifier(\pi_{i-1}, \acc_{i-1}, \acc_i) = \top$, i.e, all accumulators are accumulated correctly.
2. $\forall i \in [2, n] : \NARKVerifierFast(R_{IVC}, x_{i-1}, \pi_{i-1})$, i.e, all the proofs are valid.

## test

- The $\NARKProver$ runtime scales linearly with the $d$ ($\Oc(d)$)
- The $\NARKVerifierFast$ runtime scales logarithmically with $d$ ($\Oc(\lg(d))$)
- The $\NARKVerifier$ runtime scales linearly with the degree-bound $d$ ($\Oc(d)$)
- The $F$ runtime is less than $\Oc(d)$, since $|R_F| \approx d$

Then we can conclude:

- The runtime of $\IVCProver$ is:
- Step 5: The cost of running $\ASDLProver$, $\Oc(d)$.
- Step 6: The cost of computing $F$, $\Oc(F(x))$.
- Step 7: The cost of running $\NARKProver$, $\Oc(d)$.

Totalling $\Oc(F(x) + d)$. So $\Oc(d)$.
- The runtime of $\IVCVerifier$ is:
- Step 2: The cost of running $\ASDLDecider$, $\Oc(d)$ scalar muls.
- Step 3: The cost of running $\NARKVerifier$, $\Oc(d)$ scalar muls.

Totalling $\Oc(2d)$. So $\Oc(d)$

Notice that although the runtime of $\IVCVerifier$ is linear, it scales
with $d$, _not_ $n$. So the cost of verifying does not scale with the number
of iterations.

# Conclusion & Benchmarks

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