Project 0 is a project on html and css basically.I have chosen COVID-19 as the topic. It contains 4 webpages based on coronavirus.Homepage gives a brief introduction to coronavirus. Symptoms page tells about the symptoms of the disease with the help of images.Preventions page tells about the ways to prevent ourselves from the disease with the help of gifs and images.Mythbusters tells about myths about about the disease that we should not believe.
All the webpages have a sticky navigation bar and a heading on the top.
Bootstraps' grid model (container class) has been used for better appearance of the webpages. Also row class has been used for hyperlinks at the bottom of some pages. Bootstarp's alert component is also used in the homepage.
A css file (css.css) has been linked to all the webpages. Also sass has been used.Scss file(style.scss) and its css version(style.css) is also there. Properties like variables,nesting and inheritance are been shown in scss.
Hope you would like it.