This is a repository with MongoDB. It implements the repository pattern.
You wil find the generic repository GenericMongoRepository
. This is a IGenericMongoRepository
as well, so you are able to register in your IoC container your own implementation of the refered interface. Your can find an example at the MongoRepositoryTests
GenericContainer.Instance.Register<IGenericMongoRepository<AnyEntity>, MongoRepositoryFake>();
The MongoRepositoryFake
is inheriting the GenericMongoRepository
, but as the GenericMongoRepository
is implementing the IGenericMongoRepository
, it is ok to register as the interface implementation any inhereting from the GenericMongoRepository
. You can replace the MongoRepositoryFake
by your own implementation of the IGenericMongoRepository<AnyEntity>
In order to make your life easier, you can quickly implement any specific repository by inhereting from GenericMongoRepository
. Example:
public class MongoRepositoryFake : GenericMongoRepository<TEntity>
The TEntity
is any class you want as your entity to save into the MongoDB. As well, you can pass to MongoDB the configuration:
- ConnectionString (:string) (optional) : It's the connection string to the MongoDB. If do not inform this parameter, MongoDB will use its default configuration (check the MongoDB documentation for more details).
- DataBase (:string) : It's the data base into the MongoDB you want to connecto to.
- CollectionDataBase (:string) : It's the collection where you want to store your documents.
Without ConnectionString
public class MongoRepositoryFake : GenericMongoRepository<AnyEntity>
private const string DataBaseTests = "DataBaseTests";
private const string UsersCollection = "CollectionTests";
public MongoRepositoryFake()
: base(DataBaseTests, UsersCollection)
With ConnectionString
public class MongoRepositoryFake : GenericMongoRepository<AnyEntity>
private const string DataBaseTests = "DataBaseTests";
private const string UsersCollection = "CollectionTests";
private const string ConnectionString = "My connection string";
public MongoRepositoryFake()
: base(ConnectionString, DataBaseTests, UsersCollection)
Note: Consider the use of the environment variables to provide these settings. This is only a template ;)
This code has been tested by Integration Tests, so will need a MongoDB running on you local. I suggest get the Docker image. Following, these are the commands to pull, run and start the image:
Pulling the image:
docker pull mongo
Running for the first time:
docker run --name mongodb -v mongodata:/data/db -d -p 27017:27017 mongo
Starting your existing container (when it is stopped):
docker start mongodb
You can find here a wrapper of the Unity Container
. This is specially useful if you want to prevent the other project requiring install the refered container.