AndroidPhotoFilters aims to provide fast, powerful and flexible image processing instrument for creating awesome effects on any image media.
"Google Now" style animation for Speech Recognizer.
Build your social app for Android with the code template that includes the following key features for social networks as likes, comments, posts, image uploads, etc.
✉️ [Android] [Firebase] An example chat application built using the Firebase Android SDK
Remove unused CSS. Also works with single-page apps.
Skeuocard progressively enhances credit card inputs to provide a skeuomorphic interface.
A Rubyesque interface to Gmail, with all the tools you'll need.
A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
AngularJS directive for adjustable dynamically updating c3 charts
Socialize your app with Likes, Follows and Mentions
rb512 / social_stream
Forked from ging/social_streamSocial Stream is a core for building social network websites.
rb512 / insoshi
Forked from insoshi/insoshiAn open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails
rb512 / amee-analytics
Forked from AMEE/amee-analyticsPart of AMEEappkit, the amee-analytics gem provides support for handling collections of calculations.
rb512 / jira4r-jh
Forked from jhollingworth/jira4r-jhClone of
Given a number, finds it's closest fibonacci number
Part of AMEEappkit, the amee-analytics gem provides support for handling collections of calculations.
Active Record, improved. Live again :)
Clone of
A framework for building distributed social network websites
A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network.
An open source social networking platform in Ruby on Rails