My Rosalind Solutions With Node.js
To solve a new problem, grab the text file from the problem online, and make a note of the filename id.
rosalind_ini2.txt || filename id -> ini2
3 5
Create a new file that has the same name as the text file you just downloaded.
In that file, create a function to be exported called main
module.exports = {
main: function (data) {
// I am the data from the text file. Split, slice, do whatever to solve the problem.
The answer should post directly to the command line.
$> cd ~/code/node/rosalind-node
$> node solve.js ini3
*If your rosalind files do not download to to the ~/Downloads
directory, add an extra argument on the command line with the correct downloads directory.
$> node solve.js ini3 /Desktop