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Configuration Comparison

Roger Bongers edited this page Sep 1, 2023 · 5 revisions

The main reason vim-crystalline exists is to provide a vanilla way to help you create your own statusline/tabline. This article shows you the difference between customizing vim-crystalline and other plugins.

vanilla vim

Vim lets you set a statusline easily, but it's not very fancy:

set statusline=%f%h%w%m%r


You can use vim statusline components:

function! g:CrystallineStatuslineFn(winnr) abort
  return ' %f%h%w%m%r '

You can add components to the statusline without declaring them:

function! g:CrystallineStatuslineFn(winnr) abort
  return ' %f%h%w%m%r ' . FugitiveHead()

The statusline can be completely changed based on different conditions:

function! g:CrystallineStatuslineFn(winnr) abort
  return ' %f%h%w%m%r ' . (winwidth(a:winnr) > 80 ? FugitiveHead() : '')

Various functions help you make your statusline nicer:

function! g:CrystallineStatuslineFn(winnr) abort
  return crystalline#HiItem('A')
        \ . ' %f%h%w%m%r '
        \ . crystalline#Sep(0, 'A', 'B')
        \ . (winwidth(a:winnr) > 80 ? FugitiveHead() : '')

More examples are available in the README. See also :help crystalline.


Sections must be declared as followed:

function! AirlineInit()
  let g:airline_section_a = airline#section#create(['mode', ' ', 'head'])
  let g:airline_section_y = airline#section#create_right(['ffenc','head'])
autocmd User AirlineAfterInit call AirlineInit()

You are limited to the sections defined by vim-airline (a, b, c, x, y, z).

Functions can be declared as follows:

call airline#parts#define_function('head', 'FugitiveHead')

Minimum width and conditions can be defined as follows:

call airline#parts#define_minwidth('head', 50)
call airline#parts#define_condition('foo', 'getcwd() =~ "work_dir"')

Conditions are limited to changing individual components.


Functions have to be declared to be used:

let g:lightline = {
      \   'component_function': {
      \     'head': 'FugitiveHead'
      \   },
      \   'active': {
      \     'left': [
      \       ['mode'],
      \       ['filename', 'modified', 'head']
      \     ]
      \   },
      \ }

You are limited to the statusline structure lightline.vim has created.

Conditions are limited to changing individual components:

let g:lightline = {
      \   'component_function': {
      \     'head': 'LightlineHead',
      \     'fileformat': 'LightlineFileformat'
      \   },
      \   'active': {
      \     'left': [
      \       ['mode'],
      \       ['filename', 'modified', 'fileformat', 'head']
      \     ]
      \   },
      \ }

function! LightlineHead()
  return winwidth(0) > 80 ? FugitiveHead() : ''

function! LightlineFileformat()
  return winwidth(0) > 80 ? &fileformat : ''

A function has to be created for each individual custom component.

Other Plugins

Other statusline plugins use similar configuration methods to vim-airline and lightline.vim. If you have examples you would like to contribute for other plugins, please post an issue.

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