React Minneapolis is a community event dedicated to providing a safe space to local developers for networking, collaborating, and growing.
We value all our members’ participation and it is critical to us that everybody has the opportunity to have an enjoyable, fulfilling experience in a safe and open atmosphere. Without this, we cannot possibly reach our full potential as a group. In short, this means that we expect anybody and everybody in attendance or in any way involved with React Minneapolis to conform to our Code of Conduct, which has been designed to provide maximum security and comfort to all in attendance and foster an environment of mutual growth and appreciation of one another’s unique strengths and abilities.
The following guidelines should be observed at all times while at any React Minneapolis affiliated event. If a participant engages in behavior that violates this code of conduct, the organizers may expel that participant and refuse them entrance to any further meetups.
We do not tolerate harassment in any form. Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual attention.
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.
Be careful with the words that you choose. Remember that sexist, racist, and other exclusionary jokes can be offensive to those around you. Offensive jokes or behaviors intended to make somebody uncomfortable in any way are not appropriate anywhere, but especially while at React Minneapolis. We are all here to learn from one another and have a good time, and that is simply not possible if we don’t all feel safe.
If somebody is speaking to the group, we ask that everybody else remain quiet and respectful, waiting their turn to offer input or raise questions.
We will commonly have individuals and groups presenting information at React Minneapolis. We are very appreciative of our speakers who have taken time out of their day to share their knowledge and experiences with us, and it is imperative that they be shown the respect they deserve. Unless otherwise specified, please raise your hand if you have a question or comment and wait to be called upon.
These guidelines apply not only when presenters are speaking, but when anybody is directly addressing the group. This may commonly include an organizer guiding the meetup or any individual making a public announcement, offering input, or raising questions at the appropriate time. It is important that all voices be heard so that we can remain an inclusive and community-driven event.
Please be respectful of the spaces we have been generously granted for hosting our event. Always do your best to clean up after yourself, placing trash and recyclables in the appropriate containers, and if you spill something please report it immediately. We are very grateful for the spaces we are provided, and we would never want to lose them.
We always do our best to provide enough food for everybody, but nonetheless we do ask that you limit yourself to a reasonable portion until everybody has had a chance to have some.
We will often provide alcohol at React Minneapolis, and with that in mind we ask that you remain mindful of your consumption. Know your limits and remain in control. Additionally, while this may go without saying, underage drinking is expressly forbidden at React Minneapolis events.
In addition to the other guidelines listed here, we ask that all participants be mindful of their behavior in general. This includes keeping a respectful volume, avoiding running and other reckless movements that could cause injury, and keeping a general awareness of your surroundings.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions, comments or concerns. The event organizers’ contact information is as follows:
[email protected] or @nogs and @Nathan Haines on the react mpls slack.
If you experience or witness harassment or anything that makes you uncomfortable in any form, we urge you to reach out to an organizer immediately and we will handle it as quickly and efficiently as we can. While at an event, please seek somebody out and ask to speak to them privately. If you wish to discuss an incident outside of an event, please reference the contact information listed above.
Thanks to PyCon, whose code of conduct heavily inspired our zero harassment policy and provided us with some of the language used throughout this document.