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# Conflicts:
#	src/Core/TundraProtocolModule/SyncManager.cpp
  • Loading branch information
cadaver committed Jan 4, 2016
2 parents d10b7e3 + 65d37b3 commit c982006
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Showing 9 changed files with 4,455 additions and 4,112 deletions.
296 changes: 155 additions & 141 deletions bin/scenes/Avatar/scene.txml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

7,893 changes: 4,063 additions & 3,830 deletions bin/scenes/Physics/scene.txml

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

123 changes: 123 additions & 0 deletions src/Core/TundraProtocolModule/EntityPrioritizer.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in LICENSE

#pragma once

#include "StableHeaders.h"
#include "EntityPrioritizer.h"
#include "SyncState.h"

#include "Profiler.h"
#include "Scene.h"
#include "EC_Placeable.h"
#include "EC_RigidBody.h"
#include "EC_Mesh.h"
#include "OgreMeshAsset.h"
//#include "EC_Sound.h"

void DefaultEntityPrioritizer::ComputeSyncPriorities(EntitySyncStateMap &entities, const float3 &observerPos,const float3 &observerRot)
// IDEA: could cache observerPos and observerRot and recompute priorities only of those are changed.
// But of constantly moving objects it's probably good to recompute priorities every once in a while even if
// the observer doesn't move.
if (!observerPos.IsFinite() || !observerRot.IsFinite())
return; // camera information not received yet.
ScenePtr scn = scene.lock();
if (!scn)

for(EntitySyncStateMap::iterator it = entities.begin(); it != entities.end(); ++it)
EntitySyncState &entityState = it->second;
Entity *entity = scn->EntityById(; /**< @todo Use EntityWeakPtr in EntitySyncState when available */
if (!entity)
continue; // we (might) end up here e.g. when entity was just deleted

/// @todo Check do we end up computing sync prio for local entities

shared_ptr<EC_Placeable> placeable = entity->Component<EC_Placeable>();
shared_ptr<EC_Mesh> mesh = entity->Component<EC_Mesh>();
shared_ptr<EC_RigidBody> rigidBody = entity->Component<EC_RigidBody>();

/// @todo sound sources
shared_ptr<EC_Sound> sound = entity->Component<EC_Sound>();
if (sound)
if (sound->spatial.Get() && placeable)
float r = sound->soundOuterRadius.Get();
r *= r;
entityState.priority = 4.f * pi * r / observerPos.DistanceSq(placeable->WorldPosition());
entityState.priority = inf;
/// @todo Handle terrains
//shared_ptr<EC_Terrain> terrain = entity->Component<EC_Terrain>();
//if (terrain) { ... }

if (!placeable)
/// @todo Should handle special case entities with rigid body but no placeable?
//if (rigidBody)
// Non-spatial (probably), use max priority
/// @todo Can have f.ex. Terrain component that has its own transform, but it can use Placeable too.
entityState.priority = inf;
else if (placeable && !mesh)
// Spatial, but no mesh, for now use a harcoded priority of 20 (updateInterval = 1 / (priority * relevance),
// so will probably yield the default SyncManager's update period 1/20th of a second
entityState.priority = 20.f;
/// @todo retrieve/calculate bounding volumes of possible billboards, particle systems, lights, etc.
/// Not going to be easy with Ogre though, especially when running in headless mode.
else if (placeable && mesh)
OBB worldObb;
if (scn->GetFramework()->IsHeadless())
// On headless mode, force mesh asset load in order to be able to inspect its AABB.
if (!mesh->MeshAsset() && !mesh->meshRef.Get().ref.trimmed().isEmpty())
continue; // compute the priority next time when mesh asset is available
// EC_Mesh::WorldOBB not usable in headless mode (no Ogre::Entity available),
// so we must dig the bounding volume information from OgreMeshAsset (Ogre::Mesh) instead.
/// @todo For some meshes (f.ex. floor of the Avatar scene) there seems to be significant discrepancy
// between the OBB values when running as headless or not. Investigate.
Ogre::MeshPtr ogreMesh = mesh->MeshAsset() ? mesh->MeshAsset()->ogreMesh : Ogre::MeshPtr();
if (ogreMesh.isNull())
LogWarning("SyncManager::ComputeSyncPriorities: " + entity->ToString().toStdString() + " has null Ogre mesh " + mesh->GetMeshName());
worldObb = !ogreMesh.isNull() ? AABB(ogreMesh->getBounds()) : OBB();
worldObb = mesh->WorldOBB();
float sizeSq = worldObb.SurfaceArea();
sizeSq *= sizeSq;
float distanceSq = observerPos.DistanceSq(placeable->WorldPosition());
entityState.priority = sizeSq/distanceSq;
//LogDebug(QString("%1 sizeSq %2 distanceSq %3").arg(entity->ToString()).arg(sizeSq).arg(distanceSq));

/// @todo Take direction and velocity of rigid bodies into account
//if (rigibBody)
/// @todo Hardcoded relevancy of 10 for entities with RigidBody component and 1 for others for now.
/// @todo Movement of non-physical entities is too jerky.
entityState.relevancy = rigidBody /*entity->Component("EC_Avatar")*/ ? 10.f : 1.f;
//LogDebug(QString("%1 P %2 R %3 P*R %4 syncRate %5").arg(entity->ToString()).arg(

void DefaultEntityPrioritizer::ComputeSyncPriorities(EntitySyncState &entityState, const float3 &observerPos, const float3 &observerRot)
EntitySyncStateMap m;
m[] = entityState;
ComputeSyncPriorities(m, observerPos, observerRot);
41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions src/Core/TundraProtocolModule/EntityPrioritizer.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in LICENSE

#pragma once

#include "TundraProtocolModuleFwd.h"
#include "TundraProtocolModuleApi.h"
#include "SceneFwd.h"

/// Subclass and provide the implementation to SyncManager to perform application-specific entity prioritizing.
/** The base class implementations of functions are no-ops.
@remark Interest management */
/// Computes priorities provided entity sync states.
/// @todo In addition, or instead, could provide a function with begin and end iterators as input. This could useful
/// when dealing when very large container and only a fixed number of priority calculation would be wanted per frame.
virtual void ComputeSyncPriorities(EntitySyncStateMap & UNUSED_PARAM(entities), const float3 & UNUSED_PARAM(observerPos),const float3 & UNUSED_PARAM(observerRot))

/// @overload
virtual void ComputeSyncPriorities(EntitySyncState & UNUSED_PARAM(entityState), const float3 & UNUSED_PARAM(observerPos), const float3 & UNUSED_PARAM(observerRot))

/// @todo Provide virtual Sort() function? Prioritizer could sort then dirty queue using custom predicates.

/// Subclass to perform application-specific entity prioritizing.
class TUNDRAPROTOCOL_MODULE_API DefaultEntityPrioritizer : public EntityPrioritizer
explicit DefaultEntityPrioritizer(const SceneWeakPtr &syncedScene) : scene(syncedScene) {}
/// EntityPrioritizer override
void ComputeSyncPriorities(EntitySyncStateMap &entities, const float3 &observerPos,const float3 &observerRot);
/// EntityPrioritizer override
void ComputeSyncPriorities(EntitySyncState &entityState, const float3 &observerPos, const float3 &observerRot);

SceneWeakPtr scene;

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