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Purebuilder Simply

Simplified website building system with Pandoc.

What is PureBuilder

PureBuilder is website building script.

What is ACCS

ACCS is site building script for serialized articles.

PB Simply ACCS make with indexes build by PureBuilder.


Install from

gem install pbsimply

Manually make Gem

  • gem build pbsimply.gemspec
  • gem install pbsimply-$version.gem

Manually from GitHub

  • git clone
  • Copy under bin/ files on your PATH directory.
  • Copy under lib/ files on your Ruby library directory.

Get start

  • Make your document root
  • Create and edit .pbsimply.yaml in your document root.
  • Make directory and documents (Markdown or ReSTructured Text)
  • Make template with pandoc -D html5 > template.html and edit it.


  • Ruby >= 3.0
  • Pandoc >= 2.8



Move your document root before running.

pbsimply directory

PureBuilder builds documents in the directory.

PureBuilder skip if filename start with draft- or ., or draft value in frontmatter is true.


Option Description
-f Refresh all documents (force update mode.) This options useful when update template.
-I Don't register to index database.
-A Don't treat ACCS.
-o FILE Output to FILE.
-m FILE Additional meta (YAML) File.

Make ACCS index

pbsimply find ACCS documents directory automatically. You mark as "ACCS documents directory" with putting .accs.yaml file to the directory.

ACCS processor makes and puts index.html file.

Objects for eRuby in document

You can use these objects in eRuby on template or generated document.


Loaded config YAML file (.pbsimply.yaml).


Compiled index.

This object may be uncompleted when generating pbsimply.


Document meta data that "default | indexed | frontmatter | current".

Index database

Documents metadata will be stored to index database on each document directory.

Ruby Marshal is used by default, the filename is .indexes.rbm.

If json or oj is set to dbstyle in configuration, JSON is used instead of Ruby Marshal and hhe filename is .indexes.json

Values in config.

Key Type Description
outdir String Base directory for output. Required
template String Path to Pandoc HTML template file. If not set, template is temaplte.html
css String / Array Path to CSS file(s)
toc Boolean Turn on TOC if true
pandoc_additional_options Array Extra pandoc options
post_eruby Boolean Process Pandoc output with eRuby if true
alt_frontmatter Hash Default frontmatter in ACCS index
default_meta Hash Default frontmatter
testserver_port Fixnum Port number of pbsimply-testserver (default 8000)
self_url_prefix String Absolute path prefix for URL of generated document itself instead of /.
self_url_external_prefix String Like self_url_prefix, but it only works on page_url_encoded_external.
dbstyle String If json given, Indexes database is used .indexes.json instead of .indexes.rbm. Also oj is same as it, but use Oj library instead of JSON standard library.
bless_style String If cmd given, blessing with command instead of Ruby procs.
bless_cmd String / Array Command for blessing.
bless_accscmd String / Array Command for ACCS blessing.
blessmethod_accs_rel String Automatic blessing method for find next/prev article.
accs_order String If desc is set, ACCS article list is sorted by descending order (on default template.)
accs_across_category Boolean Don't separate ACCS article lists by category (on default template.)
accs_sort_by String Sorting method for ACCS article list. default (date, title, last update), title (title, date), name (filename, title, date) and serial (serial, date, filename) are avilable. It works on default template.
auto_delete Boolean Delete output file when source file is deleted or turned to draft.
detect_modification String Detecting modification method. changes looks change changes header. mtimesize looks mtime and file size. Otherwise, it looks mtime.
pandoc_command String Pandoc command. pandoc is default.
jsonout Boolean If true, output JSON instead of HTML.
jsonout_include String[] Array of keys to include frontmatter with jsonout. This settings is preffered over jsonout_exclude.
jsonout_exclude String[] Array of keys to exclude from frontmatter with jsonout.

Special values in @index

Key Set by Used by Description
title frontmatter Pandoc/System Document title. required.
author frontmatter Default template Author.
date frontmatter/system System Date of written
lang frontmatter Pandoc template lang/xml:lang
keywords frontmatter Pandoc template An array, used as keywords in meta tag.
description frontmatter Sample template Used as description in meta tag.
draft frontmatter System Draft status. Skip process document if true.
_last_proced system system Integer. DateTime of last processed by PureBuilder. 0 if this document is processed first.
last_updated system String. DateTime of last processed by Pandoc.
_size system File size (byte)
_mtime system Integer. mtime of this file.
_filename system File name
_docformat system Document Format. Markdown or ReST.
categories frontmatter ACCS Document category. Sort documents by this value.
pagetype frontmatter/config ACCS Document type of this page. accsindex is set if processed by ACCS, set post by default.
source_directory system Source directory string.
source_file system Source Filename.
source_path system Source path string.
dest_path system system Output file path.
normalized_docdir system Normalized source document directory path, begin with /.
normalized_docpath system Normalized source document path, begin with /.
page_url system This (generated) page's URL.
page_url_encoded system This (generated) page's URI encoded URL.
page_url_encoded_external system This (generated) page's URI encoded URL with self_url_external_prefix.
page_html_escaped system This (generated) page's HTML escaped URL.
page_html_escaped_external system This (generated) page's HTML escaped URL with self_url_external_prefix.
title_encoded system URI encoded document title.
title_html_escaped system HTML escaped document title.
timestamp frontmatter system The date and time of the document which is more detailed than date.
timestamp_xmlschema system XML Schema formatted Timestamp. Use date instead of timestamp if timestamp isn't defined.
timestamp_jplocal system Japanese local formatted Timestamp. Use date instead of timestamp if timestamp isn't defined.
timestamp_rubytimestr system Ruby's Time#to_s like formatted Timestamp. Use date instead of timestamp if timestamp isn't defined.
timestamp_str system %Y-%m-%d[ %H:%M:%S %Z]. Use date instead of timestamp if timestamp isn't defined.

Environment variables

Environment variables that able to use in Pre Plugins, Post plugins, Hooks or Blessing command.

|Name|Pre|Process|Delete|Post|Bless|Description| |---------|---|---|---|--------------------| |pbsimply_outdir|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Path for output directory root.| |pbsimply_subdir|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Path for document directory from document root.| |pbsimply_indexes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Path for index database.| |pbsimply_frontmatter|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Path for current document's frontmatter (JSON).| |pbsimply_working_dir|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Yes|Temporary directory path for putting processing data.| |pbsimply_currentdoc|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|Temporary filepath for processing document.| |pbsimply_filename|Yes|Yes|No|No|No|Original source filename.|


CSS, image or link locations should not be local place, path to web URL, so you cannot test generated documents normally case of suppose to put to WWW.

You can test in case like it with pbsimply-testserver.

How to use is very simple.

  1. Move your document root
  2. run it.
  3. access http://localhost:port

You can config port with testserver_port in config file. default is 8000.

If you think to put subdirectory like, I recommend that you put document in site subdirectory, and sync under there.


With Ruby

You can modify Frontmatter with Ruby script with .pbsimply-bless.rb file.

If you want to use it, you should PureBuilder::BLESS Proc object in the file. It will be called with, self).

This proc will be called after system paramaters were set.

It don't need to return something. You can modify frontmatter Hash object directly.

When processing directory is an ACCS document directory, PureBuilder::ACCS::BLESS is also called after PureBuilder::BLESS if defined.

You can add keys and Proc values to PureBuilder::ACCS::DEFINTIONS Hash. They are used for setting special value.

Key Function
:next Set returned value to frontmatter["next_article"]
:prev Set returned value to frontmatter["prev_article"]

For example, this is Chienomi's blessing script.


load "./.lib/categories.rb"

  "" => ["TOP", "/"],
  "/articles" => ["Articles", "/#Category"],
  "/override" => ["Override", "/"],
  "/archives" => ["Old Archives", "/articlelist-wp.html"]

ARTICLE_CATS.each do |k,v|
  TOPICPATH[["/articles", k].join("/")] = [v, ["", "articles", k, ""].join("/")]

PureBuilder::BLESS = ->(frontmatter, pb) {
  content = nil
  filetype = nil
  content =["source_path"])
  filetype = File.extname(frontmatter["_filename"])

  url = frontmatter["page_url"].sub(/^\.?\/?/, "/")
  frontmatter["topicpath"] = []
  url = url.split("/")
  (1 .. url.length).each do |i|
    path = url[0, i].join("/")
    if v = TOPICPATH[path]
      frontmatter["topicpath"].push({"title" => v[0], "url" => v[1]})
      frontmatter["topicpath"].push({"title" => frontmatter["title"]})

  if frontmatter["category"] && url.include?("articles")
    frontmatter["category_spec"] = [ARTICLE_CATS[url[-2]], frontmatter["category"]].join("::")

  if content
    if((filetype == ".md" && content =~ %r:\!\[.*\]\(/img/thumb/:) || (filetype == ".rst" || filetype == ".rest") && content =~ %r!\.\. image:: .*?/img/thumb!)
      frontmatter["lightbox"] = true

article_order = nil
rev_article_order_index = {}

PureBuilder::ACCS::BLESS = -> (frontmatter, pb) {
  frontmatter["ACCS"] = true
  unless article_order
    article_order = pb.indexes.to_a.sort_by {|i| i[1]["date"]}
    article_order.each_with_index {|x,i| rev_article_order_index[x[0]] = i }

PureBuilder::ACCS::DEFINITIONS[:next] = ->(frontmatter, pb) {
  index = rev_article_order_index[frontmatter["_filename"]] or next nil
  if article_order[index + 1]
    {"url" => article_order[index + 1][1]["page_url"],
     "title" => article_order[index + 1][1]["title"]}

PureBuilder::ACCS::DEFINITIONS[:prev] = ->(frontmatter, pb) {
  index = rev_article_order_index[frontmatter["_filename"]] or next nil
  if index > 0
    {"url" => article_order[index - 1][1]["page_url"],
     "title" => article_order[index - 1][1]["title"]}

With other language or programs

If cmd is set to bless_style in configuration, use external command instead of Ruby procs.

bless_cmd is command for blessing. bless_accscmd is command for ACCS blessing.

You can read document metadata from pbsimply-frontmatter.json file on directory $pbsimply_working_dir environment variable, and you can apply changes with write to the file.

Automatic blessing

Some configuration applies prepared blessing method.

ACCS Relation

blessmethod_accs_rel makes next_article and prev_article property. They are an associative array that have keys url and title.

numbering (heading number of filename), lexical (filename), date and timestamp are avilable.


In this repository

Filename Description
pbsimply-testserver Satrt web server for testing.
accsindex.erb Sample for .accsindex.erb. Normaly you don't need to edit template.
template.html Sample for PureBuilder template.

You put or generated

Filename Place Description
.pbsimply.yaml root Configuration file. Put in document root.
.indexes.rbm each metadata Ruby marshal file generated by PureBuilder Simply.
.indexes.json each metadata JSON file generated by PureBuilder Simply. each Index source generated by ACCS.
.accsindex.erb root or each ACCS Markdown eRuby template for ACCS index.
.accs.yaml each @index for the ACCS index.
.pbsimply-bless.rb root Ruby script for blessing.

Document Sample


This template is associeted to basic blog theme.

I customized:

  • Two Headers. #TopHeader for banner (default display: none), #TitleHeader for title.
  • Main section is wrapped by #MainContainer section.
  • Article body is wrapped by #MainArticle article.
  • Side bar is available as #SideBar section. You can write content with include before function.
  • Author section is deleted.
  • Embedded CSS is deleted.
  • Syntax highlightning theme is deleted. If you need it, get themes from pandoc-goodies or other.


Basic sample CSS.

file description
layout.css Layouting.
base.css Basic design.
skylightning.css Pandoc default Source code CSS
lightbox.css Lightbox theme for lightbox plugin.


ACCS template directory.

Post Generate

Sample Post Plugins.

Configuration file

.accsindex.rb and .pbsimply.yaml are avialable.


JavaScript Plugins.

See README on each file.


You can use sample Themes with merge content to copied sample document directory.


Default theme


Warm colored theme


Basic theme like reports


Typical blog theme

Use a processor instead of Pandoc


PureBuilder Simply is a very powerful tool when used with Pandoc, but if you do not prefer Pandoc, you can use other document processors.

However, it is limited in its functionality.

The processor to use is specified with the value of pbsimply_processor in .pbsimply.yaml.

Processor pbsimply_processor
RDoc rdoc
RDoc/Markdown rdoc_markdown
Kramdown kramdown
Redcarpet redcarpet
CommonMarker (cmark-gfm) cmark

Also, for those templates that evaluate as eRuby templates, you can use the following values on the template (in most cases, use frontmatter and article_body.)

Variable name Description
dir Relative directory path from document root.
filename Source file name.
frontmatter Blessed metadata.
orig_filepath Original source filepath.
procdoc Actual (treated) source filepath.
article_body Generated document body.



It uses RDoc, the standard documentation system of Ruby. Source files are treated as RDoc, and the target is limited to *.rdoc files.

Templates are handled as eRuby templates.


  • rdoc library

Disabled configurations

  • css
  • toc
  • pandoc_additional_options
  • post_eruby



Use the Markdown processor of RDoc, Ruby's standard document system. Treat source files as if they were Markdown, limited to *.md files.

Templates are handled as eRuby templates.


  • rdoc library

Disabled configurations

  • css
  • toc
  • pandoc_additional_options
  • post_eruby



It is generated using Kramdown, Ruby's Markdown library. Treat source files as if they were Markdown, limited to *.md files.

Templates are handled as eRuby templates.


  • kramdown library

Disabled configurations

  • css
  • toc
  • pandoc_additional_options
  • post_eruby

Additional configurations

Key Type Description
kramdown_features Hash An associative array passed as the second argument to See the [API documentation for details]. (



It is generated using Redcarpet, Ruby's Markdown library. Treat source files as if they were Markdown, limited to *.md files.

Templates are handled as eRuby templates.


  • redcarpet library

Disabled configurations

  • css
  • toc
  • pandoc_additional_options
  • post_eruby

Additional configurations

Key Type Description
redcarpet_extensions Hash An associative array showing the extensions to Redcarpet. See the Redcarpet page for details.



Generated using CommonMarker, a Ruby wrapper for libcmark-gfm. Source files are treated as Markdown, and the target is limited to *.md files.

The table and strikethrough extensions are enabled.

Templates are handled as eRuby templates.


  • libcmark-gfm
  • commonmarker library

Disabled configurations

  • css
  • toc
  • pandoc_additional_options
  • post_eruby



Generated using Docutils ReSTructured Text processor written by Python. Source files are treated as ReSTructured Text, and the target is limited to *.rst files.


  • Docutils (rst2html5)

Disabled configurations

  • toc
  • pandoc_additional_options

Additional configurations

Key Type Description
docutils_options Array Command-line option arguments for rst2html5 command.



You can tweak PureBuilder Simply behavior with hooks feature.

write .pbsimply-hooks.rb on document root to use Hooks. It should define PBSimply::Hooks.load_hooks.

It called with PBSimply::Hooks object. PBSimply::Hooks object has "timing" methods. You can add Proc to timing object with << method.


def (PBSimply::Hooks).load_hooks h
  h.process << ->(v) {
    db[v["normalized_docpath"]] = v
  } << ->(v) {
    db.delete_if do |dbk, dbv|
      not File.exist? dbv["dest_path"]

Hook called with one argument. Ordinary it is a Hash, but keys and values are different between timing object.

Timing methods

Methods of argument of PBSimply::Hooks#load_hooks.

#add {|arg| ... }

Add block to timing object.

#<< proc

Add proc to timing object.


Call command with system(*cmdarg).

You can modify content of $pbsimply_currentdoc on pre.


Call command with IO.popen(cmdarg, "w+").

Command is given document content from STDIN, and overwrite document content with command's output.

you can use this method only on pre.

Timing object


PBSimply::Hooks#pre is called before processing document.

Argument are frontmatter and procdoc.

pre is called after BLESSing.

procdoc is processing document's temporary path. Its content same as source document but without frontmatter.


PBSimply::Hooks#process is called just after generating.

Arguments are frontmatter, procdoc, outpath.

frontmatter and procdoc are same as #pre, but after other process. outpath is output file path.


PBSimply::Hooks#delete is called when document is lost include it turn to draft.

Arguments are target_file_path and source_file_path.

target_file_path is output file path (existing or non-existing.)

source_file_path is source file path (existing or non-existing.)


PBsimply::Hooks#post is called after all document processed.

Argument is this_time_processed.

this_time_processed is an Array of Hash actual processed documents in this time.

It has source (original source file path,) dest (output file path,) frontmatter.


PBSimply::Hooks#accs is called before generating ACCS index.

Arguments are index and indexes. They are same as @index and @indexes in .accsindex.erb.


Simplified website building system with Pandoc.







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