Application for generate short url version from long urls, developed with Symfony 6.0, Api Platform and queues. PostgreSQL as Database and Queue service. You can use Postman or develop a js client to try the app following the api docs.
- To list more frequently accessed urls use: http(s)://{domain}/api/short_urls?page=1&itemsPerPage=100&order%5Bhits%5D=desc
- To create a new one make a post request to: http(s)://{domain}:8000/api/short_urls with the following payload:
"longUrl": "valid_url"
- Docker
- Docker Compose
###Steps for setup
1 - Get the project:
git clone [email protected]:recchia/url-shortener.git
cd shortener
2 - create the following environment variables or left default in docker-compose:
and copy .env file as .env.local, make sure the DATABASE_URL has the same values as docker-compose database.
3 - Start containers:
docker-compose up -d
4 - Install vendors:
docker-compose exec php composer install
5 - Install and compile assets:
docker-compose exec php yarn install
docker-compose exec php yarn dev
6 - Execute Migrations:
docker-compose exec php bin/console d:m:m
7 - Execute worker:
docker-compose exec php bin/console messenger:consume async
8 - Load in browser:
- http://{domain}/api for Api docs (swagger UI)
- http://{domain}/{shortUrlId} to redirect
docker-compose exec php bin/console d:d:c --env=test
docker-compose exec php bin/console d:m:m --env=test
docker-compose exec php bin/console d:f:load --env=test
docker-compose exec php php bin/phpunit --testdox