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This bundle gives you an admintheme based on the Bootstrap 3 framework. It uses sass to generate the theme file. It is tested on IE9 and above, Firefox,Chrome as well as Chrome for Android. It is responsive and is usable with just a keyboard.

Features include:

  • Slideout navigation
  • Switch form widget
  • Checkbox and radio styling
  • Button submit loading animation
  • Multilanguage support and integration
  • Styled login page


Add the bundle to your composer.json

# composer.json
	"repositories": [
			"type": "git",
			"url":  ""
	 "require": {
		"recognize/adminthemebundle": "dev-master",

Run composer install

php ./composer.phar install

Enable the bundle in the kernel - Also don't forget to enable FOSUserBundle and KnpMenuBundle

	// app/AppKernel.php

    public function registerBundles()
        $bundles = array(
            // ...
            new Recognize\AdminThemeBundle\RecognizeAdminThemeBundle(),

Add the bundles form widgets to your twig configuration

// app/config

           - 'RecognizeAdminThemeBundle::form_widgets.html.twig'

Add the dependencies of the package.json file to your own package.json and run npm install

npm install

Make sure you have Ruby and the SASS gem installed

gem install sass

Also add the following line of code to your GulpFile.js to add the default theme tasks

// GulpFile.js
var gulp = require('gulp');
require("./vendor/recognize/adminthemebundle/Recognize/AdminThemeBundle/tasks.js")( gulp );

To build the default admintheme, run the following command:

gulp default-theme

This will build the sass files and combine the javascript files, before loading the required resources into the web/admintheme folder.

To turn on the translations, make sure the translation fallback is set

// app/config.yml
	translator: { fallbacks: ['nl'] }


Add this to your app/config.yml file

// app/config.yml
	languages: [] ## Array containing locale strings of the languages that are supported in the interface
	leftmenu: 'RecognizeAdminThemeBundle:Builder:sample' ## KNP menu builder method that generates the main navigation menu
	themecolor: '#E74C3C' ## Color for theming the Chrome interface on Android

Keeping the languages array empty will result in the languages not being switchable in the Profile dropdown. If you need to know more about KNPMenuBundle, refer to the official documentation


Simply extend the bundles index.html.twig file in your own twig files to get the basic template.

{% extends 'RecognizeAdminThemeBundle::index.html.twig' %}

Profile image

To set the profile image to be something different than the default image, inject the admin_profile_image into twig.

// Some controller
    $this->get('twig')->addGlobal("admin_profile_image", "" );

Or define a service

class AvatarInjectionService extends \Twig_Extension {

    protected $avatar;

    public function __construct( TokenStorage $storage ){
        $token = $storage->getToken();

        if( $token != null){
            $this->avatar = "";

    public function getGlobals() {
        $globals = parent::getGlobals();

        if( $this->avatar != null ){
            $globals['admin_profile_image'] = $this->avatar;

        return $globals;

     * Returns the name of the extension.
     * @return string The extension name
    public function getName() {
        return "twig.recognize.variables";

Enabling check- and radiobutton styling in the forms

Use the following form theme to add the themed checkboxes

{% form_theme 'RecognizeAdminThemeBundle::Form/bootstrap_3_layout_fa_checkboxes.html.twig' %}


This bundle uses SASS to generate the themes. You can reference the bundle's sass files in your own sass files to generate your own theme.css. Make sure the required files are piped to the Symfony2 web/admintheme folder.

If you want to override the bundles layout, you can add your own twig files to the app/Resources/RecognizeAdminThemeBundle/views directory. Putting an index.html.twig file here will override this bundle's index.html.twig file. Putting a components/menu.html.twig here will override this bundle's components/menu.html.twig file and so on.