A simple tool for reading, translating and commenting wikileaks cables. Currently is on very early stage (alpha) and hosted on http://leaker.heroku.com
You need knowledge in Rails 3.1 applications (asset pipeline is used, some client code is written using coffeescript) and, obiously, ruby skills.
Look at routes.rb is a recommended place to start. Take a look also to the schema.rb (and the models). Don't miss the gems used (little bit commented at Gemfile file)
For the css the excelent bootstrap library from twitter is used: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap
Unfortunately there's only little documentation, and no tests are done (yet).
The application is a simple Rails 3.1 app, divied in three parts:
This is what the user sees. It uses all the controllers inside app/controllers folder (but not sub-folders) except ClientController.
Its a traditional web application.
This is the admin section. Based on this post: http://iain.nl/backends-in-rails-3-1 (reading recommended).
Uses all the controllers inside the app/controllers/backend folder (and the same for the views: app/views/backend)
It was the first attempt to build Laker, but a one-page client application (even using Backbone.js) is hand and tedious to build.
Currently is not in use. Keeped for historical and educational purposes.
Please fork, commit and pull request. Contributions are more than welcomed.
Not decided yet. Probably a MIT license.