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sync rhoai-2.6 branch with release-2023b branch #77

sync rhoai-2.6 branch with release-2023b branch

sync rhoai-2.6 branch with release-2023b branch #77

Workflow file for this run

name: Code static analysis
on: [pull_request] # yamllint disable-line rule:truthy
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Validate YAML files (best code practices check included)
id: validate-yaml-files
uses: ibiqlik/[email protected]
config_file: ./ci/yamllint-config.yaml
# In some YAML files we use JSON strings, let's check these
- name: Validate JSON strings in YAML files (just syntax)
id: validate-json-strings-in-yaml-files
run: |
type json_verify || sudo apt-get install yajl-tools
bash ./ci/
- name: Validate JSON files (just syntax)
id: validate-json-files
run: |
type json_verify || sudo apt-get install yajl-tools
shopt -s globstar
echo "-- Checking a regular '*.json' files"
for f in **/*.json; do echo "Checking: '${f}"; echo -n " > "; cat $f | json_verify || ret_code=1; done
echo "-- Checking a 'Pipfile.lock' files"
for f in **/Pipfile.lock; do echo "Checking: '${f}"; echo -n " > "; cat $f | json_verify || ret_code=1; done
echo "-- Checking a '*.ipynb' Jupyter notebook files"
for f in **/*.ipynb; do echo "Checking: '${f}"; echo -n " > "; cat $f | json_verify || ret_code=1; done
if test "${ret_code}" -ne 0; then
echo "There were errors in some of the checked files. Please run `json_verify` on such files and fix issues there."
exit "${ret_code}"