[fix] fixed validation for redevent quickbook REDEVENT-272
[fix] fixed quickbook module js for prices REDEVENT-272
[imp] better pick of session, or display if no publushed session in details view without xref KAM-387
[fix] fixed redevent textlib import cancel REDEVENT-277
removed mod_rokminievents module
[fix] fixes module quickbook REDFORM-272
[fix] fixed calendar view events tooltip REDEVENT-270
[imp] csv export of attendees confirmed status, remove pagination limit
[fix] prevent bypass of payBeforeConfirm if session has no price but registration does
New Crowdin translations (#142 )
prevent deleting template if it is being used by an event
[fix] fixed info tag REDEVENT-258
[fix] datepicker use of first day of week REDEVENT-257
[imp] only truncate at 150 characters for lists title/name in backend
fix content.prepare after tag replace for details view REDEVENT-253
[fix] fixed editor filter for venue and payment notification email REDEVENT-253
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