This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running. But I will probably just fill it in with what I can recall.. if anything :D
SETUP local build:
- Ruby version
- ruby '3.0.2'
- System dependencies
- need to create .env file from .env.example
- Configuration
- Database creation
psql postgres
- // to see users aka roles
to see more information
- // to create the needed users to create the database
create role surveycraft with createdb login password '<password>';
- // to list all the databases
to see more information
- // to change the database
\c <database_name>
- // to see all the tables in the database
to see more information
- // to see users aka roles
- Database initialization
rails db:setup
- Create Migration
rails generate migration CreateSurveys
- Run Migrations
rails db:migrate
- To run the app on your local machine:
rails server
- How to run the test suite
$ rails spec
- Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
- Deployment instructions
- TravisCI
- CodeCov
- to validate Repository YAML:
curl --data-binary @codecov.yml
- to validate Repository YAML:
- Heroku
git push heroku main
heroku logs
heroku run rails db:migrate
- ...