What's Changed
- Update with zenodo DOI by @petebunting in #72
- Updated function to specify the vector column data type (int or float)
- Added change function to calculate the image_ratio for change
- Added function calc_apply_img_band_threshold to calculate and apply a threshold to an input image band.
- Added function get_rsgislib_datatype_str function and some further constants
- Added one_hot_category_encoding function.
- Added calc_near_dist_to_feats function
- Added rsgislib.vectorutils.drop_rows_by_multi_attributes and rsgislib.vectorutils.vec_lyr_random_subset
- Updated explode function for geopandas update
- Implementation of habitat suitability modelling.
- Updated function grid_scattered_pts so progress is provided to the terminal and image creation options are used.
- Updated reproj_vec_lyr_gp function to allow either a epsg code or WKT string to be used to define the projection.
- Updated rsgislibvectools.py to take the vector layer from the file if not specified and there is only a single layer within the input file.
- Added function to clip vector using ogr
- Update to functions for plotting image histograms
- Updated variable name for function calc_vif_multicollinearity so it corresponds with other functions.
- Added functions to automate find and replace on word documents.
- Updated with additional function get_colour_tab_info_for_def
- Added functions to add a random values column and convert points to lines.
- Added function which clips a vector into subsets.
- Updated rsgisvectools.py to work with parquet file.
- Updated docs and default font for legend
- Added function: rsgislib.imagecalc.get_pca_eigen_vector_from_h5_data
- Add option to use alpha channel from colour table when displaying map.
- zonal stats: Add check that image and vector layers intersect.
- Add function rsgislib.imageutils.get_img_coords_pxl_values to retrieve image pixels values from an image using the image coordinates.
- Add a new python function to create random reference points which will work with the ClassAccuracy plugin.
- Added function rsgislib.classification.classrefpts.create_stratified_random_ref_smpls_darts
- Change distutils.spawn.find_executable to shutil.which
Full Changelog: 5.1.7...5.1.8