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Fix documentation comments in Latex output
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Alasdair committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent cb0a396 commit 0f29616
Showing 1 changed file with 24 additions and 20 deletions.
44 changes: 24 additions & 20 deletions src/sail_latex_backend/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -319,8 +319,6 @@ let latex_of_markdown str =

replace_this (format (of_string str))

let docstring _ = empty

let add_links str =
let r = Str.regexp {|\([a-zA-Z0-9_]+\)\([ ]*\)(|} in
let subst s =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -370,7 +368,7 @@ let rec read_lines in_chan = function
let ls = read_lines in_chan (n - 1) in
l :: ls

let latex_loc no_loc l =
let latex_loc ?(docstring = empty) no_loc l =
match Reporting.simp_loc l with
| Some (p1, p2) -> begin
let open Lexing in
Expand All @@ -384,21 +382,21 @@ let latex_loc no_loc l =
doc ^^ hardline
with _ ->
close_in_noerr in_chan;
docstring l ^^ no_loc
with _ -> docstring l ^^ no_loc
docstring ^^ no_loc
with _ -> docstring ^^ no_loc
| None -> docstring l ^^ no_loc
| None -> docstring ^^ no_loc

let doc_spec_simple (VS_aux (VS_val_spec (ts, id, ext), _)) =
Pretty_print_sail.doc_id id ^^ space ^^ colon ^^ space ^^ Pretty_print_sail.doc_typschm ~simple:true ts

let latex_command cat id no_loc l =
let latex_command ~docstring cat id no_loc l =
state.this <- Some id;
(* To avoid problems with verbatim environments in commands, we have
to put the sail code for each command in a separate file. *)
let code_file = category_name cat ^ Util.file_encode_string (string_of_id id) ^ ".tex" in
let chan = open_out (Filename.concat !opt_directory code_file) in
let doc = if cat = Val then no_loc else latex_loc no_loc l in
let doc = if cat = Val then no_loc else latex_loc ~docstring no_loc l in
output_string chan (Pretty_print_sail.to_string doc);
close_out chan;
let command = sprintf "\\%s" (latex_cat_id cat id) in
Expand All @@ -411,10 +409,13 @@ let latex_command cat id no_loc l =

ksprintf string "\\newcommand{%s}{\\saildoclabelled{%s}{\\saildoc%s{" command (refcode_cat_id cat id)
(category_name_simple cat)
^^ docstring l ^^ string "}{"
^^ docstring ^^ string "}{"
^^ ksprintf string "\\lstinputlisting[language=sail]{%s}}}}" (Filename.concat !opt_directory code_file)

let latex_docstring (def_annot : Ast.def_annot) =
match def_annot.doc_comment with Some contents -> string (latex_of_markdown contents) | None -> empty

let latex_funcls def =
let module StringMap = Map.Make (String) in
let counter = ref 0 in
Expand All @@ -440,9 +441,11 @@ let latex_funcls def =
(FunclNum (!counter + 64), id)
| (FCL_aux (funcl_aux, annot) as funcl) :: funcls ->
| (FCL_aux (funcl_aux, (def_annot, _)) as funcl) :: funcls ->
let cat, id = funcl_command funcl_aux in
let first = latex_command cat id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_funcl funcl) (fst annot).loc in
let first =
latex_command ~docstring:(latex_docstring def_annot) cat id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_funcl funcl) def_annot.loc
first ^^ next funcls
| [] -> empty
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -502,44 +505,45 @@ let defs { defs; _ } =
let regdefs = ref Bindings.empty in
let outcomedefs = ref Bindings.empty in

let latex_def (DEF_aux (aux, _) as def) =
let latex_def (DEF_aux (aux, def_annot) as def) =
let docstring = latex_docstring def_annot in
match aux with
| DEF_overload (id, ids) ->
let doc =
string (Printf.sprintf "overload %s = {%s}" (string_of_id id) (Util.string_of_list ", " string_of_id ids))
overload_counters := Bindings.update id (function None -> Some 0 | Some n -> Some (n + 1)) !overload_counters;
let count = Bindings.find id !overload_counters in
Some (latex_command (Overload count) id doc (id_loc id))
Some (latex_command ~docstring (Overload count) id doc (id_loc id))
| DEF_val (VS_aux (VS_val_spec (_, id, _), annot) as vs) ->
valspecs := Bindings.add id id !valspecs;
if !opt_simple_val then Some (latex_command Val id (doc_spec_simple vs) (fst annot))
else Some (latex_command Val id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_spec vs) (fst annot))
if !opt_simple_val then Some (latex_command ~docstring Val id (doc_spec_simple vs) (fst annot))
else Some (latex_command ~docstring Val id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_spec vs) (fst annot))
| DEF_fundef (FD_aux (FD_function (_, _, [FCL_aux (FCL_funcl (id, _), _)]), annot)) ->
fundefs := Bindings.add id id !fundefs;
Some (latex_command Function id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
Some (latex_command ~docstring Function id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
| DEF_let (LB_aux (LB_val (pat, _), annot)) ->
let ids = pat_ids pat in
match IdSet.min_elt_opt ids with
| None -> None
| Some base_id ->
letdefs := IdSet.fold (fun id -> Bindings.add id base_id) ids !letdefs;
Some (latex_command Let base_id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
Some (latex_command ~docstring Let base_id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
| DEF_type (TD_aux (tdef, annot)) ->
let id = tdef_id tdef in
typedefs := Bindings.add id id !typedefs;
Some (latex_command Type id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
Some (latex_command ~docstring Type id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
| DEF_fundef (FD_aux (FD_function (_, _, funcls), annot)) as def -> Some (latex_funcls def funcls)
| DEF_pragma ("latex", command, l) -> process_pragma l command
| DEF_register (DEC_aux (_, annot) as dec) ->
let id = id_of_dec_spec dec in
regdefs := Bindings.add id id !regdefs;
Some (latex_command Register id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
Some (latex_command ~docstring Register id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) (fst annot))
| DEF_outcome (OV_aux (OV_outcome (id, _, _), l), _) ->
outcomedefs := Bindings.add id id !outcomedefs;
Some (latex_command Outcome id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) l)
Some (latex_command ~docstring Outcome id (Pretty_print_sail.doc_def def) l)
| _ -> None

Expand Down

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