This Docker service uses Wkhtmltopdf 0.12.5 to generate PDF documents
WKhtmltopdf is a greate PDF generator, using Qt Webkit as rendering engine, providing excellent results.
A PDF document will be generated based on the provided URL. The URL can be provided by POST or GET, using the argument 'url'. Hostnames are be filtered using the enviroment variable allowdHosts, so the PDF generator will block access to any other hostname. Use * to allow any hostname.
Any wkhtmltopdf option can be set using environment variables.
Additional enviroment vars:
- defaultTitle - default file name
- defaultFooter - default footer template.
- allowedHosts - comma seperated list of allowed hostnames. Use * to allow any.
GET or POST arguments
- url - the Url to parse (should be urlencoded)
- title - the returned file name
- footer - the name of the footer to include. The footer must be present in the root of the container
- Different options can be set using templates.
- Configure the templates using templates.json.
- Provide the name of the required template using the "template" Get or Post argument.
image: renkosteenbeek/wkhtmltopdf-by-url:1.0
page-size: "A4"
margin-top: 15
margin-left: 13
margin-right: 13
margin-bottom: 20
zoom: 1.5
defaultTitle: 'Report'
defaultFooter: 'footer_default.html'
- ./footer_default.html:/footer_default.html
- "8008:80"
docker buildx build --push --tag renkosteenbeek/wkhtmltopdf-by-url:0.12.6 --platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64 .
docker buildx build --tag renkosteenbeek/wkhtmltopdf-by-url:0.12.6 --platform linux/arm64/v8,linux/amd64 .