The repository is template for starting project with fastify clean architecture.
- Fastify
- Typescript
- Husky & Lint Staged — Run scripts on your staged files before they are committed
- Jest — Configured for unit testing
- Prettier — Format your code consistently
- Conventional Commit Lint — Make sure you & your teammates follow conventional commit
- ESLint — Find and fix problems in your code, also will auto sort your imports
- Absolute Import and Path Alias — Import components using
prefix - SWC — Build tools
- Clone this repository
- Run
npm install
oryarn install
- then run
yarn dev
to run localy
npm run test
└ src → Application sources
└ application → Application services layer
└ security → Security tools interfaces (ex: AccessTokenManager.js, to generate and decode OAuth access token)
└ use_cases → Application business rules
└ domain → Enterprise core business layer such as domain model objects (Aggregates, Entities, Value Objects) and repository interfaces
└ infrastructure → Frameworks, drivers and tools such as Database, the Web Framework, mailing/logging/glue code etc.
└ config → Application configuration files, modules and services
└ constant.ts → All configuration (Database Hostname, App port, etc)
└ database → Database Connection (pg-promise)
└ connection.ts → pg-promise config
└ repositories → Implementation of domain repository interfaces
└ webserver → Fastify Web server configuration (server, routes, plugins, etc.)
└ server.ts → Fastify server definition
└ interfaces → Adapters and formatters for use cases and entities to external agency such as Database or the Web
└ controllers → Fastify route handlers
└ routes → Fastify route definitions
└ serializers → Converter objects that transform outside objects (ex: HTTP request payload) to inside objects (ex: Use Case request object)
└ test → Source folder for unit or functional tests
└ server.ts → Main application entry point
└ node_modules (generated) → NPM dependencies