Bluto is a golang implementation of redis client based on Redigo.The client manages a connection pool for each node, uses goroutine to execute as concurrently as possible, which leads to its high efficiency and low latency.
- Most commands of keys, strings, lists, sets, sorted sets, hashes.
Install Bluto with go tool:
go get
To use redis cluster, you need import the package and create a new bluto client with an options:
import ""
bluto, err := bluto.New(
Address: "localhost:6379",
Password "password"
ConnectTimeoutSeconds: 10,
ReadTimeoutSeconds: 10,
Bluto gives you a commander by calling Borrow() which is interface to run redis commands exp.(GET, SELECT , ...) over a pool of redis connection which simplify all the managements of pool.
RESTRICTION: Please be sure the first argument in commander's args is result and all commands should ends with Commit().The optional arguments are passed as variadic args.
See full redis commands:
bluto.Borrow().Set(&setResult, "key", "value", SetOptionKEEPTTL{}).Commit()
bluto.Borrow().Get(&getResult, "key").Commit()
bluto.Borrow().Incr(&incrResult, "key").Commit()
You can also chain redis commands like this:
bluto.Borrow().Select(&selectResult, 2).Set(&setResult, "key", "value",SetOptionKEEPTTL{}).Incr(&incrResult, "key").Commit()
bluto.Borrow().Select(&selectResult, 2).Get(&getResult, "key").Decr(&decrResult, "key").Del(&delResult, "key").Commit()
Also, you can use Values and Scan to convert replies to multiple values with different types.
You can pass options as variadic args as last arguments. The Options for each command is interface which is satisfied by defined option structs. You can pass multiple options like this:
bluto.Borrow().Set(&setResult, "key", "value", SetOptionEX{EX:1}, SetOptionNX{}, SetOptionKEEPTTL{}).Commit()
For more advanced example look at example
Bug reports and feature requests are welcome. If you have any question, please email us at [email protected].
Released under MIT License