Assimp greatly simplifies loading complex objects and meshes.
stb_image.h simplifies loading images/textures.
GLM simplifies matrix operations such as rotation/translation/scaling and creating projection matrices..
SDL simplifies making and updating the window, and getting user input either mouse or keyboard..
C++ was chosen to see if preformance would be better than my other project GEngine3D using Java & LWJGL.
OpenGL was chosen because cross-platform compatibility and a little previous experience with it..
- Assimp Model loader
- Phong Lighting
- Terrain
- Heightmap Generation
- Blendmapping
- Collision
- Skybox
- Crude FPS Camera
- Multiplayer
- Built on UDP and TCP
- Players can join/leave lobby freely
- Client Authorative
- Multiple light sources
- Normal mapping
- Entity
- Terrain
- Water
- Reflection
- Refraction
- Shadows
- Shadow Mapping
- PFC or Percentage Closer Filtering
- Cascading Shadow Maps)
- Particle renderer
- Text/UI renderer
- LOD (Level_Of_Detail)
- Objects
- Terrain
- Object Collision
- Multiplayer imporvements
- Client Interpolation
- Server Authorative