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DB Integration PostGres Server 9.5.4
OASP4J is by default configured with the H2 Databse.
As a first step to integrate OASP4J with the PostGres 9.5.4, PostGres 9.5.4 has to be installed. Following are the snapshots of the configuration chosen during various stages of installation .
Note : One can ignore the following section if they are well versed with the installation process of PostGres 9.5.4.
In order to have a Postgres up and running with docker we can execute
docker run --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres:9.5.4
This makes Postgres avaiable on the docker-machine host on port 5432. If using docker on windows with docker toolbox it usually means that Postgres will be on (please check the IP of your docker machine)
So the configuration for the datasource url strig will be:
To check the installation or to have an interactive query tool with Postgres we can run another docker process like this:
docker run -it --rm --link postgres:postgres postgres psql -h postgres -U postgres
Now we can create the databas and schema by running on the psql console
create database mydb;
create schema oasp4j;
Download PostGres 9.5.4 for Windows 64 bit Operating System from here. Screenshot of the download page below.
Once installable for PostGres 9.5.4 is downloaded , click on the installable to start the installation process.It is shown in the below screenshot.
The ‘Setup’ Wizard starts with screen shown below. Click Next button.
In the next step, select installation directory path and click Next button
In the next step, select data directory path and click Next button.
In the next step, enter the password for PostGres and click Next button.
In the next step, enter the port for PostGres and click Next button.
In the next step, select the Locale for PostGres and click Next button.
In the next step, select the check box for launching the Stack Builder if needed and click Finish button.
Add an entry similar to the following entry in 'IPv4 local connections' section in pg_hba.conf file that is located inside 'data' directory of PostGres installation. For instance , if the installation path of PostGres is D:\installations\PostGres9.5.4 , path of pg_hba.conf will be D:\installations\PostGres9.5.4\data\pg_hba.conf
host all postgres trust
In the above entry , replace the IP details with details of your machine.
Assuming the schema created under PostGres database mydb is oasp4j, execute the following script to create Flyway MetaData Table schema_version in the schema oasp4j.
-- Table: oasp4j.schema_version
-- DROP TABLE oasp4j.schema_version;
CREATE TABLE oasp4j.schema_version
version_rank integer NOT NULL,
installed_rank integer NOT NULL,
version character varying(50) NOT NULL,
description character varying(200) NOT NULL,
type character varying(20) NOT NULL,
script character varying(1000) NOT NULL,
checksum integer,
installed_by character varying(100) NOT NULL,
installed_on timestamp without time zone NOT NULL DEFAULT now(),
execution_time integer NOT NULL,
success boolean NOT NULL,
CONSTRAINT schema_version_pk PRIMARY KEY (version)
ALTER TABLE oasp4j.schema_version
OWNER TO postgres;
-- Index: oasp4j.schema_version_ir_idx
-- DROP INDEX oasp4j.schema_version_ir_idx;
CREATE INDEX schema_version_ir_idx
ON oasp4j.schema_version
USING btree
-- Index: oasp4j.schema_version_s_idx
-- DROP INDEX oasp4j.schema_version_s_idx;
CREATE INDEX schema_version_s_idx
ON oasp4j.schema_version
USING btree
-- Index: oasp4j.schema_version_vr_idx
-- DROP INDEX oasp4j.schema_version_vr_idx;
CREATE INDEX schema_version_vr_idx
ON oasp4j.schema_version
USING btree
Uncomment Type annotation for ‘data’ attribute in oasp4j-sample-core/src/main/java/io/oasp/gastronomy/restaurant/general/dataacess/api/BinaryObjectEntity.java
@Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.BinaryType")
public Blob getData() {
Uncomment the dependency for the PostGres 9.5.4 jdbc driver in oasp4j-sample-core/pom.xml. Dependency for PostGres 9.5.4 is as follows :
Change the value of following property ‘spring.datasource.url’ in following file ‘oasp4j-sample-core/src/main/resources/config/application-postgre.properties’. Accordingly, change the following properties:
Database Name
Run the script core/src/test/setup/postgresdb.bat for Windows Environment and the script core/src/test/setup/postgresdb.sh for Unix/Linux Environments.
Make a copy of bills.csv_at following path oasp4j-sample -core/src/test/resources/BillExportJobTest/expected/ and rename it to _bills_h2.csv
Rename the file bills_pg.csv in oasp4j-sample -core/src/test/resources/BillExportJobTest/expected/ to bills.csv
Comment the spring active profile h2mem and uncomment the spring active profile postgre in oasp4j-sample-core/src/main/resources/config/application.properties.
Comment the line that has spring active profile junit and comment the line that has spring active profiles junit and postgre separated by comma in the file oasp4j-sample-core/src/test/resources/config/application.properties.
Note : Make sure that JUNIT Test cases run successfully for OASP4J Project using the command ‘mvn clean install’.
Assuming that OASP4J is integrated with the PostGres 9.5.4, following are the steps to enable H2 Database.
Comment Type annotation for ‘data’ attribute in oasp4j-sample-core/src/main/java/io/oasp/gastronomy/restaurant/general/dataacess/api/BinaryObjectEntity.java
//@Type(type = "org.hibernate.type.BinaryType")
public Blob getData() {
Comment the dependency for the PostGres 9.5.4 jdbc driver in oasp4j-sample-core/pom.xml. Commented code below.
Run the script core/src/test/setup/disablepostgresdb.bat for Windows Environment and the script core/src/test/setup/disablepostgresdb.sh for Unix/Linux Environments.
Make a copy of bills.csv at following path oasp4j-sample -core/src/test/resources/BillExportJobTest/expected/ and rename it to bills_pg.csv
Rename bills_h2.csv in oasp4j-sample -core/src/test/resources/BillExportJobTest/expected/ to bills.csv
Uncomment the spring active profile h2mem and comment the spring active profile postgre in oasp4j-sample-core/src/main/resources/config/application.properties
Uncomment the line that has spring active profile junit and comment the line that has spring active profiles junit and postgre separated by comma in the file oasp4j-sample-core/src/test/resources/config/application.properties
Note: Make sure that JUNIT Test cases run successfully for OASP4J Project using the command ‘mvn clean install’.
Follow the steps mentioned here
Follow the steps mentioned here
Note : One has to recompile OASP4J project by executing the command mvn clean install in oasp4j project after doing the changes mentioned in the above said instructions.
This documentation is licensed under the Creative Commons License (Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International).