Tutorial on building a computing cluster for a bioinformatics lab
I am the Principal Investigator of a bioinformatics lab. In 2010, I built a computing cluster for lab members, and we have been using the cluster ever since. Occasionally some people ask me how I can admin a cluster myself, and I usually point them to the documentation on Rocks cluster. However, the documentation may be overly complicated yet insufficient to solve many of the practical problems that I encountered over the past a few years. Therefore, I decided to write a simple tutorial on building a computing cluster for a bioinformatics lab.
This tutorial is organized into several main sections:
- [Hardware](01 Hardware.md)
- [Installation](02 Installation.md)
- [System customization](03 System customization.md)
- [User account administration](04 User account administration.md)
- [Network administration](05 Network administration.md)
- [SGE administration](06 SGE administration.md)
- [Storage administration](07 Storage administration.md)
- [NFS administration](08 NFS administration.md)
- [Remote management](09 Remote management.md)
- [Misc Linux configuration](10 Misc Linux configuration.md)
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