Hey 😄
Welcome to our Fullstack Challenge repository. This README will guide you on how to participate in this challenge.
In case you are doing this to apply for our open positions for a Fullstack Developer make sure you first check the available jobs at https://unbabel.com/jobs
Please fork this repo before you start working on the challenge. We will evaluate the code on the fork.
FYI: Please understand that this challenge is not decisive if you are applying to work at Unbabel. There are no right and wrong answers. This is just an opportunity for us both to work together and get to know each other in a more technical way.
Create a multilingual clone of the Hackernews website, showing just the top 10 most voted news and their comments. This website must be kept updated with the original hackernews website (every 10 minutes).
Translations must be done using the Unbabel API in sandbox mode. (Ask whoever has been in contact with you about the credentials)
Build a dashboard to check the status of all translations.
- Use Flask web framework
- Use Bootstrap
- For MongoDB
- Create a scalable application.
- Only use Unbabel's Translation API on sandbox mode
- Have the news titles translated to 2 languages
- Have unit tests
- We dont really care much about css but please dont make our eyes suffer.
- Page load time shouldnt exceed 2 secs
- Unbabel's API: http://developers.unbabel.com/
- Hackernews API: https://github.com/HackerNews/API