A simple tool to list and delete metrics, and report stats about metrics
##Installation To build from source, clone this repository and run 'gradlew shadowJar'. This will produce a metrics-VERSION-all.jar in the build/libs directory. Alternatively, download the latest release archive from Github.
java -jar metrics-VERSION-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Usage : [-hostname=] [-port=] [-username=] [-password=] [-filename=] applications|tiers|metrics-list [filter]|metrics-delete filter|metrics-stats|metrics-stats-storage
List all the metrics (default : mysql root@localhost:3388)
java -jar metrics-VERSION-all.jar -password=*** metrics-list
true;5;30346;"BTM|Application Summary|Component:8|Average Response Time (ms)";
true;5;30347;"BTM|Application Summary|Component:8|Calls per Minute";
true;5;30348;"BTM|Application Summary|Component:8|Errors per Minute";
List all the metrics containing the keyword 'JMX' (default : mysql root@localhost:3388)
java -jar metrics-VERSION-all.jar -password=*** metrics-list JMX
Warning : Please do a db backup before, there is no rollback operation, so please double-check your delete query !!!!
You must stop the controller (./controller.sh stop-appserver), not the db
Delete all the metrics containing '|ECommerce-Services|JMX|JDBC Connection Pools|' (default : mysql root@localhost:3388)
java -jar metrics-VERSION-all.jar -password=*** metrics-delete "|ECommerce-Services|JMX|JDBC Connection Pools|"
Restart the controller (./controller.sh start-appserver)
Count (default : mysql root@localhost:3388)
java -jar metrics-VERSION-all.jar -password=*** metrics-stats
Thu Aug 24 00:00:00 CEST 2017;customer1;MyApp1;MyTier1;MyNode1;MACHINE_AGENT_LEGACY;43
Thu Aug 24 00:00:00 CEST 2017;customer1;MyApp2;MyTier2;Mu=yNode2;APP_AGENT;66
Summary (default : mysql root@localhost:3388)
java -jar metrics-VERSION-all.jar -password=*** metrics-stats-summary
"Mon Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2018";"APP_AGENT";103;227;2196;205434;902;
"Mon Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2018";"MACHINE_AGENT_LEGACY";64;84;92;4876;58;
"Mon Feb 12 00:00:00 CET 2018";"EUM";890;2372;9641;21356;9;
Storage (default : mysql root@localhost:3388)
java -jar metrics-VERSION-all.jar -password=*** metrics-stats-storage
Always feel free to fork and contribute any changes directly here on GitHub.