This is a group project for Group G in Software Engineering (CS445-740 Fall 2019) at Southeast Missouri State University.
Sion Pixley
Ryan Harris
Shu Xu
Augustine Rivera
This project is attempting to create an Android calendar app that can automate a user's schedule.
Events can be generated with a simple wizard. Upon creation, the events are scheduled within a user's free time.
Layout/Design of Forms
If given enough time, we would like to add friends to the app. Users could add friends and schedule group events that would find free time between all parties. The event would be scheduled at a time that works with everyone.
- start local python environment from command prompt, path will look something like: local-env\activate\Scripts\activate.bat
- navigate to location of API files, it will look something like: cd C:\Users\MyUsername\Desktop\Group-G-Fall-2019-master\Group-G-Fall-2019-master\API\EarlyBirdApi
- if starting for the first time instal requirements for the environment: pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start the server in the evironment with the following command: python runserver 8000
- Download and install most recent Version of Python
- Run the following in command prompt: python -m venv local-env