A Clojure library designed to interact with MongoDB.
Currently there are 2 ways in which the mongrove API can be used to interact with MongoDB
The first is the wrapper over the traditional synchronous Java API And there is also the wrapper over the Reactive Java API
(def client (connect :replica-set [{:host "localhost"
:port 27017
:opts {:read-preference :primary}}]))
(def test-db (get-db client "test_driver"))
(def mongo-coll "mongo")
(query test-db mongo-coll {} :sort-by {:age 1})
(count-docs test-db mongo-coll {:age {:$lt 10}})
(count-docs test-db mongo-coll {})
(doseq [i (range 10)]
(insert test-db mongo-coll {:id i
:name (str "user-" i)
:age (rand-int 20)
:dob (java.util.Date.)} :multi? false))
(fetch-one test-db mongo-coll {:id 3} :only [:name])
(delete test-db mongo-coll {:age {:$gt 10}})
(update test-db mongo-coll {:age {:$lt 10}} {:$inc {:age 1}})
;; For using multi-document transactions,
(delete test-db "a" {})
(delete test-db "b" {})
;; Creating new collections is not supported
;; in Mongo 4.0 so ensure that there exist collections
;; a and b
(insert test-db "a" {:id 1})
(insert test-db "b" {:id 1})
(run-in-transaction client
(fn [session]
;; DO NOT ADD try-catch here. If you do this, exceptions
;; will not percolate to the transaction and it will get committed
;; successfully
(insert test-db "a" {:a 42} :session session)
;; This will throw an exception
(insert test-db "b" {:b (.toString nil)} :session session))
{:transaction-opts {:retry-on-errors true}})
(catch Exception e
(println "Data in collection a " (query test-db "a" {}))))
(def client (connect :replica-set [{:host "localhost"
:port 27017
:opts {:read-preference :primary}}
;; {:host "localhost"
;; :port 27018}
;; {:host "localhost"
;; :port 27019}
(def test-db (get-db client "test_reactions"))
(def test-coll (get-collection test-db "a"))
;; insert-one
(def insert-one-publisher (insert test-db "a" {:id :reactive-2}))
(basic-subscriber insert-one-publisher
#(println "client next: " %)
#(println "client complete")
#(println "client error: " %))
;; insert-many valuesubscriber
(let [b-coll (get-collection test-db "b")
docs (reduce #(conj %1 {:id %2
:name (str "user-" %2)
:age (rand-int 20)
:dob (java.util.Date.)})
(vec (range 10)))
p (value-subscriber (insert test-db "b" docs :multi? true))]
(println "Documents inserted : " @p))
;; insert-many chan-subscriber
(let [b-coll (get-collection test-db "b")
docs (reduce #(conj %1 {:id %2
:name (str "user-" %2)
:age (rand-int 20)
:dob (java.util.Date.)})
(vec (range 10)))
mongo-chan (chan-subscriber (insert test-db "b" docs :multi? true))]
(println "Got results on channel: " (async/<!! mongo-chan)))
;; count docs
(let [c (value-subscriber (count-docs test-db "b" {:age {:$gt 15}}))]
(println "Number of documents is " @c))
;; query, results on a channel
(let [ch (chan-subscriber (query test-db "b" {:age {:$gt 15}} :exclude [:name]))]
(loop []
(let [val (async/<!! ch)]
(println val)
(when (some? val)
(println "Doc: " val)
;; query, results in a promise
(let [pr (value-subscriber (query test-db "b" {:name "user-3"} :only [:age] :exclude [:name]))]
(println "Documents are " @pr))
;; fetch-one
(let [c (value-subscriber (fetch-one test-db "b" {:name "user-4"} :exclude [:id]))]
(println "Document is " @c))
(let [c (value-subscriber (drop-collection test-db "a"))]
(println "Collection a dropped " @c))
(let [c (value-subscriber (get-collection-names test-db))]
(println "Collections are" @c))
(let [c (value-subscriber (get-database-names client))]
(println "Collections are" @c))
(let [c (value-subscriber (create-index test-db "b" (array-map :a 1 :b -1)))
indexes (value-subscriber (get-indexes test-db "b"))]
(println "Indexes are " @indexes))
To view full API you can generate documentation using codox
lein codox
from the project folder and the API documentation will be generated in the target/doc
The test/mongrove
folder contains unit tests for mongrove APIs. For running these tests, please make sure you have a running mongo cluster on localhost:27017
If you want to test against a different mongo cluster, please change the options in the test namespaces' init-connection-fixture
The test/mongrove/generative
folder contains generative tests for Mongo query operators. These tests are primarily aimed comparing query results across 2 different Mongo clusters, something you might need to do when testing for an upgrade !
|----------------------------+---------+---------| | Namespace | % Forms | % Lines | |----------------------------+---------+---------| | mongrove.conversion | 82,09 | 74,51 | | mongrove.core | 68,96 | 67,73 | | mongrove.reactive | 6,19 | 14,67 | | mongrove.utils | 62,16 | 97,56 | | mongrove.utils.subscribers | 16,09 | 19,35 | |----------------------------+---------+---------| | ALL FILES | 51,77 | 55,24 | |----------------------------+---------+---------|
- Add support for ACID transactions : ✅
- Add benchmarking results comparing against Monger
- Add support for sharded Mongo clusters
- Add support for Reactive Java API : ✅
- Add support for Mongo Aggregation pipelines
Copyright © Helpshift Inc. 2020