To install, please refer to the extensions and support documentation.
To compile the source code located in src/main/kotlin
and src/test/kotlin
from the current project:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Compiles the Kotlin project")
public void compile() throws Exception {
new CompileKotlinOperation()
./bld compile
Please check the Compile Operation documentation for all available configuration options.
Please make sure the Kotlin compiler is installed.
You can also manually configure the Kotlin home location as follows:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Compiles the Kotlin project")
public void compile() throws Exception {
new CompileKotlinOperation()
The Kotlin compiler executable can also be specified directly:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Compiles the Kotlin project")
public void compile() throws Exception {
new CompileKotlinOperation()
While older version of Kotlin are likely working with the extension, only version 1.9.25 or higher are officially supported.
There is also a Template Project with support for the Dokka and Detekt extensions.