PIT Mutation Testing Extension for bld
To install, please refer to the extensions documentation.
To run mutation tests and coverage, add the following to your build file:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Run PIT mutation tests")
public void pit() throws Exception {
new PitestOperation()
.reportDir(Path.of("reports", "mutations").toString())
.targetClasses(pkg + ".*")
.targetTests(pkg + ".*")
./bld compile pit
Please check the PitestOperation documentation for all available configuration options.
Don't forget to add the Pitest test
dependencies to your build file, as they are not provided by the extension. For example:
repositories = List.of(MAVEN_CENTRAL);
.include(dependency("org.pitest", "pitest", version(1, 16, 2)))
.include(dependency("org.pitest", "pitest-command-line", version(1, 16, 2)))
.include(dependency("org.pitest", "pitest-junit5-plugin", version(1, 2, 1)))
.include(dependency("org.pitest", "pitest-testng-plugin", version(1, 0, 0)));