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Releases: rime/squirrel

Nightly build

15 Sep 20:05
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Nightly build Pre-release

Bug Fixes


07 Jun 15:47
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  • 安裝完畢請退出當前用戶再重新登入。如鼠鬚管未出現在輸入法列表,請手動添加
  • Please log out current user then login again. If Squirrel is not listed in Input Method list, please manually add


  • bug 修復
    • 未設定暗色主題時,配色不生效
    • 橫排時序號偏高
    • 帶 Alt 的快捷鍵不生效
    • App 特定設置 inline 不生效
    • good_old_caps_lock 關閉,且 Caps Lock 啓用時,Shift 無法輸入大寫字母
  • Edge 瀏覧器默認行內編輯 (修 #906)
  • 日誌置於 $TMPDIR/rime.squirrel 內,以便查找

Other Updates

  • Bug fixes:
    • color_scheme doesn't apply in dark mode when color_scheme_dark is not set
    • Label baseline too high in horizontal orientation
    • Shortcut with Alt doesn't work
    • inline option in app specific setting doesn't work
    • when good_old_caps_lock turned to false, and Caps Lock is on, Shift cannot product upper case letter
  • Edge defaults to inline mode (fix #906)
  • Logs dir is now $TMPDIR/rime.squirrel for clarity

Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2


31 May 18:02
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  • 安裝完畢請退出當前用戶再重新登入。如鼠鬚管未出現在輸入法列表,請手動添加
  • Please log out current user then login again. If Squirrel is not listed in Input Method list, please manually add


  • bug 修復
    • 不再注冊爲拉丁輸入法,修復 Caps Lock 切換輸入法時不能切換至西文的問題
    • 修復配色中的 candidate_list_layout, text_orientation 不生效問題
    • 修復字體名無法解析時,字號不生效問題
  • 不再支持 style/horizontalstyle/vertical

Other Updates

  • Bug fixes:
    • Remove Latn repertoire so that switching IME by Caps Lock can toggle Squirrel and Latin input
    • Fix: candidate_list_layout, text_orientation do not take effect when put in color scheme
    • Fix: font point is ignored when font face is invalid
  • Drop support for style/horizontal and style/vertical

Full Changelog: 1.0.0...1.0.1


30 May 12:01
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  • 安裝完畢請退出當前用戶再重新登入,以便鼠鬚管正常工作。如鼠鬚管未出現在輸入法列表,請手動添加
  • Please log out current user then login again, for Squirrel to work properly. If Squirrel is not listed in Input Method list, please manually add it


  • 純 Swift 重寫,代碼更易維護,更易讀,貢獻代碼的門檻更低。今天就來看看源代碼,嘗試動手吧!


  • UI 設置【敬請留意
    • style/candidate_format 格式修改爲 "[label]. [candidate] [comment]",原格式仍能使用,但建議遷移至更靈活、直觀的新格式
    • style/horizontal 將徹底移除,雖然本版程序仍支持,但會被新控件的默認值覆蓋
      請使用 candidate_list_layout: stacked/lineartext_orientation: horizontal/vertical
    • style/label_hilited_color 已移除,請使用 style/hilited_candidate_label_color
    • native 配色小幅修改,減小字號,更像原生輸入法
  • UI
    • 在菜單欄新增日志檔案夾,方便快速進入
    • 序號居中顯示,更像原生輸入法
  • 新增 --help 命令行命令,以便查詢支持的命令
  • bug 修復
    • 減少使用輸入大寫時造成中英切換的可能性
  • librime:使用 stdbool 後綴 API,以便與 Swift 更好橋接

Major Update

  • Migrated code to pure Swift, which is easier to code, read and learn. Build your own Squirrel today!

Other Updates

  • UI settings (Breaking Changes)
    • style/candidate_format now updated to "[index]. [candidate] [comment]", while the old format still works, please consider migrating to this more readable and flexible format at your convenience
    • style/horizontal will be dropped, it's still supported but will be overwrite by the default values of new options.
      Please adopt candidate_list_layout: stacked/linear and text_orientation: horizontal/vertical
    • style/label_hilited_color is removed, please use style/hilited_candidate_label_color instead
    • native color scheme is updated with smaller font size, to better match macOS builtin IME
  • UI
    • Added a menu item for logs folder with easy access
    • labels will vertically center if label font is smaller than candidate font, to better match macOS builtin IME
  • Added --help command line argument
  • Bug fixes:
    • Reduce the chance that ascii mode may unintentionally switch when pressing to enter Cap case
  • librime: Use stdbool flavored API, for better Swift interoperation

Full Changelog: 0.18...1.0.0


04 May 19:02
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  • 現可設定非高亮候選項背景色:
    • preset_color_schemes/xxx/candidate_back_color: 0xAABBGGRR 設定,未設定則不啓用本功能
    • style/surrounding_extra_expansion 控制非高亮候選背景大小,正數則相對高亮背景擴大,負數則相對高亮背景收縮,默認爲0
  • 更稳定的介面渲染,尤其繪文字無論橫排豎排皆能穩定顯示,行高不會跳變
  • 支持鼠標操作:
    • 鼠標懸浮則更改高亮候選,點擊則選定候選,滾輪和觸控板滑動則翻䈎
    • 點擊編碼區則可前後移動光標位置
  • 其它介面改進:
    • 解決候選框首次出現可能位於屏幕一角的問題
    • style/border_heightstyle/border_widthstyle/line_spacingstyle/spacing現可正確處理負值
    • 字號可包含小數
    • 序號字號不同於候選字號時,序號居中
    • 可以style/status_message_type: mix(default) / long / short控制狀態改變時如何展示狀態標籤,默認短標籤優先,無短標籤則使用完整標籤,不再自動截取完整標籤首字,除非設爲short
    • style/memorize_size: true/false控制候選標是否在接觸屏幕邊緣時有粘性
    • style/alpha可爲0,爲0則完全隱藏候選框
    • style/shadow_size設定高亮候選背景的陰影,默認爲0,即無陰影
    • style/mutual_exclusive: true/false控制半透明顏色是否互相疊加,默認爲false,即互相疊加
  • librime 更新至1.11.2:
    • 詳見 librime 更新紀錄,含 1.9、1.10、1.11 三個主要版本更新
  • librime 插件現單獨構建,不再合併於 librime 內,本安裝包含 luaoctagrampredict 三個插件
  • 最低支持的系統應爲 13.0,14.0 以上系統經過較好測試


  • 啓用CI自動構建
  • 應用 Clang 格式標準化
  • 更新已過時的方法
  • 支持沙盒機制

Main Updates

  • Surrounding high lights for all candidates:
    • Set preset_color_schemes/xxx/candidate_back_color to enable (Not specified unless explicitly defined)
    • style/surrounding_extra_expansion controls the relative size to the selected candidate's surrounding block. Negative value means smaller, while positive means larger, default to 0.
  • More reliable text layout, especially in vertical mode, and with exotic characters like Emoji.
  • Mouse interactions:
    • Hover over to change selection, click on any candidate to select, and swipe or scroll to change page
    • Click in preedit area to change caret position
  • Other UI improvements:
    • Resolve a issue that Squirrel panel shows in corner on first launch
    • style/border_height, style/border_width, style/line_spacing and style/spacing can now be negative.
    • All font_size accepts float number.
    • Labels are vertically centered when using a different label_font_size from the main font_size
    • Add style/status_message_type: mix(default) / long / short to Handle abbrev status label when status updates
    • Add style/memorize_size: true/false to control sticking panel width behavior
    • style/alpha: 0 is now valid, setting so completely hides the panel
    • Add style/shadow_size to specify shadow under selected candidate. Default to 0 with no shadow.
    • Add style/mutual_exclusive: true/false to allow colors not stacking on each other. Default to false
  • librime updated to 1.11.2:
    • See librime change log for details, including 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11 major updates
  • librime plugins are built separately, no longer integrated inside librime library. This install package is compiled with lua, octagram and predict plugins
  • Minimum OS supported should be 13.0, while 14.0+ is better tested

Other Updates

  • Adopts CI workflow
  • Applies Clang linting
  • Modernized several deprecated methods
  • Supports sandbox

完整更新列表 Change Log

新增貢獻者 New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.16.2...0.18


05 Feb 18:36
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  • 升級安裝後遇輸入法不可用,須手動重新添加 #704


  • 更新 Rime 核心算法庫至 1.8.5
  • 修復:橫向候選欄 Tab 鍵應當用作移動插入點 rime/librime#609
  • 修復:macOS Mojave 及以下版本單擊 Shift 等修飾鍵失效 #715
  • 修復:全新安裝只添加一個輸入法選項(簡體中文) #714

Change log since 0.16.1:

  • d095735 chore(release): 0.16.2 🎉
  • d36863d update librime to 1.8.5
  • 5c2b7e6 fix: modifier change event in older macOS
  • 3bc6c2c fix: install one input mode or keep previous ones
  • fbd430d build(make_archive): fix app archive download url


30 Jan 13:34
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  • 更新 Rime 核心算法庫至 1.8.4
  • 修復:橫向候選欄不響應左方向鍵移動插入點

Change log since 0.16.0:


30 Jan 11:38
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0.16.0 (2023-01-30)


  • 輸入狀態變化時顯示方案中設定的狀態名稱 #540
  • 修正繪文字行高 #559
  • 支持半透明視窗背景 #589
  • 由 GitHub Actions執行自動構建 #633
  • 將鼠鬚管的輸入語言註冊爲簡體中文及繁體中文 #648
  • 可指定使用任意一種系統鍵盤佈局 #687
    例如: squirrel.yaml:/keyboard_layout: USExtended
  • 區分左、右修飾鍵 #688
  • 支持以命令行方式同步用戶數據 #694
    命令: Squirrel --sync
  • 更新 Rime 核心算法庫至 1.8.3

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 0.15.2...0.16.0


04 May 04:07
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chore(release): 0.15.2 :tada: