This uses the IEX trading API's HTTP endpoints. Everything in the Stock endpoint is supported.
Documentation for the API can be found at
auto stock = Stock("AAPL", "MSFT")
.news(5) // Last 5 items.
A query returns the result as a object.
There is currently very little validation by iex.d; errors will return an error Json response.
Although iex.d separates date range parameters, (i.e., ChartRange and DividendRange), the IEX API uses a single parameter; if you specify two date ranges, the last one will be used and the other ignored. For example:
auto stock = Stock("AAPL")
.chart(ChartRange.TwoYears) // Ignored.
Both chart()
and dividends()
in the above example will use the one year
range, due to the upstream API design limitations. Future versions of iex.d may
make two queries and merge the results before returning.