Torcl is a command line interface to search and download torrent files. It's written in bash and relies on edbrowse and aria2c.
Put torcl somewhere on your path and make it executable. Something like this:
cp torcl $HOME/bin/
chmod +x $HOME/bin/torcl
Run torcl
Type 'search {search terms}' to search for torrents. The list will be output with some numbers on the left. The source is
Type 'download {number}' to download the relevant torrent. Give it a second to finish it.
Type 'torrent' to begin downloading from the torrent file you just grabbed.
Type 'help', or anything else, to print a short usage message.
Press "ctrl-c" to exit. Torcl does clean up after itself, deleting temporary files and killing sub-processes.
- Check for the prerequisite programs
- Cleanup the output
- Add sources other than isohunt