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Richard McElreath committed Oct 25, 2013
1 parent 3792a55 commit c03442f
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Showing 25 changed files with 2,117 additions and 1,209 deletions.
17 changes: 5 additions & 12 deletions DESCRIPTION
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@@ -1,19 +1,12 @@
Package: rethinking
Type: Package
Title: Statistical Rethinking book package
Version: 1.11
Date: 2012-09-27
Version: 1.22
Date: 2013-09-26
Author: Richard McElreath
Maintainer: Richard McElreath <[email protected]>
Imports: coda
Description: Utilities for fitting and comparing models
<<<<<<< HEAD
License: GPLv3
License: GPL version 2 or newer
>>>>>>> 2736e5bdc909542a79e08ad6922b529781c864fd
License: GPLv3
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
importFrom(coda, HPDinterval)
importFrom(coda, as.mcmc)
108 changes: 108 additions & 0 deletions R/coeftab.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
# coeftab

# coeftab class definition and show method
setClass( "coeftab" , representation( coefs="matrix" , nobs="numeric" , AIC="numeric" , digits="numeric" , width="numeric" ) ) <- function( object ) {
result <- object@coefs
if ( !is.null(object@nobs) ) {
result <- rbind( result , object@nobs )
rownames(result)[ nrow(result) ] <- "nobs"
coefs <- rrformat( result , digits=object@digits , width=object@width )
print( coefs , quote=FALSE , justify="right" )
setMethod( "show" , "coeftab" , function(object) )

coeftab <- function( ... , se=FALSE , se.inside=FALSE , nobs=TRUE , digits=2 , width=7 , rotate=FALSE , compare=FALSE ) {

# se=TRUE outputs standard errors
# se.inside=TRUE prints standard errors in parentheses in same column as estimates

if ( se.inside==TRUE ) se <- TRUE

# retrieve list of models
L <- list(...)
if ( is.list(L[[1]]) && length(L)==1 )
L <- L[[1]]

# retrieve model names from function call
mnames <-
mnames <- as.character(mnames)[2:(length(L)+1)]

# count number of unique parameters
param.names <- {}
for ( i in 1:length(L) ) {
c.names <- names( xcoef( L[[i]] ) )
param.names <- unique( c( param.names , c.names ) )
# columns for standard errors
if ( se==TRUE && se.inside==FALSE ) {
for ( i in 1:length(L) ) {
kse.names <- paste( names( xcoef( L[[i]] ) ) , ".se" , sep="" )
param.names <- unique( c( param.names , kse.names ) )

# make empty table
nk <- length(param.names)
d <- matrix( NA , ncol=nk )
d <- data.frame(d)
colnames(d) <- c( param.names )

# loop over models and insert values
for ( i in 1:length(L) ) {
klist <- xcoef( L[[i]] )
for ( j in 1:length(klist) ) {
d[i,][ names( klist[j] ) ] <- as.numeric( round( klist[j] , digits ) )
# insert standard errors
if ( se==TRUE ) {
for ( i in 1:length(L) ) {
kse <- xse( L[[i]] )
names(kse) <- names( xcoef( L[[i]] ) )
for ( j in 1:length(kse) ) {
if ( se.inside==FALSE )
# own column
d[i,][ paste(names(kse)[j],".se",sep="") ] <- as.numeric( round(kse[j],digits) )
# combine with estimate
d[i,][ names(kse)[j] ] <- paste( formatC( as.real(d[i,][ names(kse)[j] ]) , digits=digits ) , " (" , formatC( as.real( kse[j] ) , digits=digits ) , ")" , sep="" )

# add model names to rows
rownames(d) <- mnames

# formatting for parenthetical standard errors
if ( se.inside==TRUE && se==TRUE ) {
comment(d) <- "Values in parentheses are quadratic estimate standard errors."
colnames(d) <- paste( colnames(d) , "(se)" )
for ( i in 1:nrow(d) ) {
for ( j in 1:ncol(d) ) {
d[i,j] <- ifelse([i,j]) , "" , d[i,j] )

# add nobs
if ( nobs==TRUE ) {
nobs <- sapply( L , xnobs )
} else {
nobs <- 0

# add AICc and weights
if ( compare==TRUE ) {
d$AICc <- sapply( 1:length(L) , function(z) AICc( L[[z]] , nobs=d$nobs[z] ) )
deltAICc <- d$AICc - min(d$AICc)
wAIC <- exp( -0.5*deltAICc )
d$weight <- wAIC / sum( wAIC )

# return table
if ( rotate==FALSE ) d <- t(d) # models along top is default
new( "coeftab" , coefs=d , nobs=nobs , digits=digits , width=width )
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions R/colors.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# color utility functions

col.desat <- function( acol , amt=0.5 ) {
acol <- col2rgb(acol)
ahsv <- rgb2hsv(acol)
ahsv[2] <- ahsv[2] * amt
hsv( ahsv[1] , ahsv[2] , ahsv[3] )

col.alpha <- function( acol , alpha=0.2 ) {
acol <- col2rgb(acol)
acol <- rgb(acol[1]/255,acol[2]/255,acol[3]/255,alpha)

col.dist <- function( x , mu=0 , sd=1 , col="slateblue" ) {
cols <- sapply( x , function(z) exp(-(z-mu)^2/sd) )
cols <- sapply( cols , function(z) col.alpha(col,z) )
66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions R/compare.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# compare

# compare class definition and show method
setClass( "compareIC" , representation( output="data.frame" ) ) <- function( object ) {
print( round( object@output , 2 ) )
setMethod( "show" , "compareIC" , function(object) )

# AICc/BIC model comparison table
compare <- function( ... , nobs=NULL , sort="AICc" , delta=TRUE , digits=4 ) {

if ( is.null(nobs) ) {
stop( "Must specify number of observations (nobs)." )

getdf <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(df <- attr(x, "df")))
else if (!is.null(df <- attr(logLik(x), "df")))

# need own BIC, as one in stats doesn't allow nobs
myBIC <- function(x,nobs) {
k <- getdf(x)
as.numeric( -2*logLik(x) + log(nobs)*k )

# retrieve list of models
L <- list(...)
if ( is.list(L[[1]]) && length(L)==1 )
L <- L[[1]]

# retrieve model names from function call
mnames <-
mnames <- as.character(mnames)[2:(length(L)+1)]

AICc.list <- sapply( L , function(z) AICc( z , nobs=nobs ) )
BIC.list <- sapply( L , function(z) myBIC( z , nobs=nobs ) )
dAICc <- AICc.list - min( AICc.list )
dBIC <- BIC.list - min( BIC.list )

post.AICc <- exp( -0.5*dAICc ) / sum( exp(-0.5*dAICc) )
post.BIC <- exp( -0.5*dBIC ) / sum( exp(-0.5*dBIC) )

#post.AICc <- format.pval( post.AICc , digits=digits )
#post.BIC <- format.pval( post.BIC , digits=digits )

k <- sapply( L , getdf )

result <- data.frame( k=k , AICc=AICc.list , BIC=BIC.list , w.AICc=post.AICc , w.BIC=post.BIC )
if ( delta==TRUE ) {
r2 <- data.frame( dAICc=dAICc , dBIC=dBIC )
result <- cbind( result , r2 )
rownames( result ) <- mnames

if ( !is.null(sort) ) {
result <- result[ order( result$AICc ) , ]

new( "compareIC" , output=result )

138 changes: 138 additions & 0 deletions R/distributions.r
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
# distributions

# convert to sigma from tau
tau2sig <- function( tau ) 1/abs(tau)

# Gaussian density that takes tau instead of sigma
dnormtau <- function( x , mean=0 , tau=1 , log=FALSE ) dnorm( x , mean=mean , sd=tau2sig( tau ) , log=log )

rnormtau <- function( n , mean=0 , tau=1 ) rnorm( n=n , mean=mean , sd=tau2sig(tau) )

# ordered categorical density functions
logistic <- function( x ) {
p <- 1 / ( 1 + exp( -x ) )
p <- ifelse( x==Inf , 1 , p )

pordlogit <- function( x , a , phi , log=FALSE ) {
a <- c( as.numeric(a) , Inf )
if ( length(phi) == 1 ) {
p <- logistic( a[x] - phi )
} else {
p <- matrix( NA , ncol=length(x) , nrow=length(phi) )
for ( i in 1:length(phi) ) {
p[i,] <- logistic( a[x] - phi[i] )
if ( log==TRUE ) p <- log(p)

dordlogit <- function( x , a , phi , log=FALSE ) {
a <- c( as.numeric(a) , Inf )
p <- logistic( a[x] - phi )
na <- c( -Inf , a )
np <- logistic( na[x] - phi )
p <- p - np
if ( log==TRUE ) p <- log(p)

rordlogit <- function( n , a , phi=0 ) {
a <- c( as.numeric(a) , Inf )
k <- 1:length(a)
p <- dordlogit( k , a=a , phi=phi , log=FALSE )
y <- sample( k , size=n , replace=TRUE , prob=p )

# beta density functions parameterized as prob,theta

dbeta2 <- function( x , prob , theta , log=FALSE ) {
a <- prob * theta
b <- (1-prob) * theta
dbeta( x , shape1=a , shape2=b , log=log )

rbeta2 <- function( n , prob , theta ) {
a <- prob * theta
b <- (1-prob) * theta
rbeta( n , shape1=a , shape2=b )

# based on Ben Bolker's dbetabinom in emdbook package
dbetabinom <- function (x, prob, size, theta, shape1, shape2, log = FALSE)
if (missing(prob) && !missing(shape1) && !missing(shape2)) {
prob <- shape1/(shape1 + shape2)
theta <- shape1 + shape2
v <- lfactorial(size) - lfactorial(x) - lfactorial(size -
x) - lbeta(theta * (1 - prob), theta * prob) + lbeta(size -
x + theta * (1 - prob), x + theta * prob)
if (any(n <- nonint(x))) {
warning("non-integer x detected; returning zero probability")
v[n] <- -Inf
if (log)
else exp(v)

# gamma-poisson functions

dgamma2 <- function( x , mu , scale , log=FALSE ) {
dgamma( x , shape=mu / scale , scale=scale , log=log )

rgamma2 <- function( n , mu , scale ) {
rgamma( n , shape=mu/scale , scale=scale )

dgampois <- function( x , mu=NULL , shape=NULL , scale=NULL , rate=NULL , log=FALSE ) {
if ( !is.null(rate) ) scale <- 1/rate
if ( !is.null(mu) ) shape <- mu / scale
prob <- 1 / ( 1 + scale )
dnbinom( x , size=shape , prob=prob , log=log )

rgampois <- function( n , mu=NULL , shape=NULL , scale=NULL , rate=NULL ) {
if ( !is.null(rate) ) scale <- 1/rate
if ( !is.null(mu) ) shape <- mu / scale
prob <- 1 / ( 1 + scale )
rnbinom( n , size=shape , prob=prob )

# zero-inflated gamma functions
dzerogamma <- function( x , prob , mu , scale , log=TRUE ) {
p1 <- dgamma2( x , mu=mu , s=scale , log=FALSE )
p <- ifelse( x==0 , prob , (1-prob)*p1 )
if ( log==TRUE ) p <- log(p)

# laplace (double exponential)
dlaplace <- function(x,lambda,location=0,log=FALSE) {
# f(y) = (1/(2b)) exp( -|y-a|/b )
l <- (1/(2*lambda))*exp( -abs(x-location)/lambda )
if ( log==TRUE ) l <- log(l)

rlaplace <- function(n,lambda,location=0) {
# generate an exponential sample, then generate a random sign, then add location
y <- rexp(n=n,rate=lambda) * sample( c(-1,1) , size=n , replace=TRUE )
y <- y + location

### softmax rule for multinomial
multilogistic <- function( x , lambda=1 , diff=TRUE , log=FALSE ) {
if ( diff==TRUE ) x <- x - min(x)
f <- exp( lambda * x )
if ( log==FALSE ) result <- f / sum(f)
if ( log==TRUE ) result <- log(f) - log(sum(f))

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