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v1.90 - data and imports
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- several new data sets: Boxes, Mites, Lynx_Hare, Panda_nuts, Moralizing_gods
- new depends and imports: shape, igraph, dagitty
- new drawdag() DAG drawing function that uses igraph methods. Still raw. Previous function renamed drawdagitty().
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Richard McElreath committed Sep 1, 2019
1 parent b0c1913 commit d0342e3
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Showing 20 changed files with 2,190 additions and 248 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
Package: rethinking
Type: Package
Title: Statistical Rethinking book package
Version: 1.88
Date: 2019-07-24
Version: 1.90
Date: 2019-08-04
Author: Richard McElreath
Maintainer: Richard McElreath <[email protected]>
Imports: coda, MASS, mvtnorm, loo
Depends: rstan (>= 2.10.0), parallel, methods, stats, graphics
Imports: coda, MASS, mvtnorm, loo, shape, igraph
Depends: rstan (>= 2.10.0), parallel, methods, stats, graphics, dagitty
Description: Utilities for fitting and comparing models
License: GPL (>= 3)
9 changes: 8 additions & 1 deletion NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,14 @@ importFrom(parallel, clusterExport)
importFrom(mvtnorm, dmvnorm)
importFrom(mvtnorm, rmvnorm)
importFrom(loo, loo)
importFrom(shape, Arrows)
importFrom(igraph, graph_from_adjacency_matrix)
importFrom(igraph, plot.igraph)
importFrom(igraph, layout_nicely)
importFrom(igraph, layout_in_circle)
importFrom(igraph, layout_on_grid)
337 changes: 111 additions & 226 deletions R/drawdag.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,248 +1,133 @@
# my DAG drawing function to extend dagitty plot method

drawdag <- function( x , col_arrow="black" , col_segment="black" , col_labels="black" , cex=1 , lwd=1.5 , goodarrow=TRUE , xlim , ylim , shapes , col_shapes , radius=3 , add=FALSE , xkcd=FALSE , ... ){
x <- as.dagitty( x )
coords <- coordinates( x )
if( any( !is.finite( coords$x ) | !is.finite( coords$y ) ) ){
coords <- coordinates( graphLayout( x ) )
#stop("Please supply plot coordinates for graph! See ?coordinates and ?graphLayout.")
labels <- names(coords$x)
if ( add==FALSE ) {
wx <- sapply( paste0("mm",labels),
function(s) strwidth(s,units="inches") )
wy <- sapply( paste0("\n",labels),
function(s) strheight(s,units="inches") )
ppi.x <- dev.size("in")[1] / (max(coords$x)-min(coords$x))
ppi.y <- dev.size("in")[2] / (max(coords$y)-min(coords$y))
wx <- wx/ppi.x
wy <- wy/ppi.y
if ( missing(xlim) )
xlim <- c(min(coords$x-wx/2),max(coords$x+wx/2))
if ( missing(ylim) )
ylim <- c(-max(coords$y+wy/2),-min(coords$y-wy/2))
if (add==FALSE ) plot( NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab="", ylab="", bty="n",
xaxt="n", yaxt="n" )
wx <- sapply( labels,
function(s) strwidth(paste0("xx",s)) )
wy <- sapply( labels,
function(s) strheight(paste0("\n",s)) )
asp <- par("pin")[1]/diff(par("usr")[1:2]) /
ex <- edges(x)
ax1 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
ax2 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
ay1 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
ay2 <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
axc <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
ayc <- rep(0,nrow(ex))
acode <- rep(2,nrow(ex))
has.control.point <- rep(FALSE,nrow(ex))
for( i in seq_len(nrow(ex)) ){
if( ex[i,3] == "<->" ){
acode[i] <- 3
has.control.point[i] <- TRUE
if( ex[i,3] == "--" ){
acode[i] <- 0
l1 <- as.character(ex[i,1]); l2 <- as.character(ex[i,2])
x1 <- coords$x[l1]; y1 <- coords$y[l1]
x2 <- coords$x[l2]; y2 <- coords$y[l2]
if( ex[i,4] ) || ex[i,5] ) ){
cp <- dagitty:::.autoControlPoint( x1, y1, x2, y2, asp,
.2*as.integer( acode[i]==3 ) )
} else {
cp <- list(x=ex[i,4],y=ex[i,5])
has.control.point[i] <- TRUE
bi1 <- dagitty:::.lineSegBoxIntersect( x1-wx[l1]/2,y1-wy[l1]/2,
x1+wx[l1]/2,y1+wy[l1]/2, x1, y1, cp$x, cp$y )
bi2 <- dagitty:::.lineSegBoxIntersect( x2-wx[l2]/2,y2-wy[l2]/2,
x2+wx[l2]/2,y2+wy[l2]/2, cp$x, cp$y, x2, y2 )
if( length(bi1) == 2 ){
x1 <- bi1$x; y1 <- bi1$y
if( length(bi2) == 2 ){
x2 <- bi2$x; y2 <- bi2$y
ax1[i] <- x1; ax2[i] <- x2
ay1[i] <- y1; ay2[i] <- y2
axc[i] <- cp$x; ayc[i] <- cp$y
directed <- acode==2 & !has.control.point
undirected <- acode==0 & !has.control.point

arr.width <- 0.15
arr.type <- "curved"
arr.adj <- 1
if ( xkcd==TRUE ) {
for ( ii in 1:length(ax1[directed]) ) {
xkcd_lines( c(ax1[directed][ii],ax2[directed][ii]) , c(-ay1[directed][ii],-ay2[directed][ii]) , col=col_segment , lwd=lwd*2 , lwdbg=lwd*4 , seg=10 )
arr.width <- arr.width * lwd
arr.type <- "triangle"
arr.adj <- 0.5
goodarrow <- TRUE

if ( goodarrow==TRUE ) {
shape::Arrows( ax1[directed], -ay1[directed],
ax2[directed], -ay2[directed], arr.length=0.2 , arr.width=arr.width, col=col_arrow , lwd=lwd , arr.adj=arr.adj , arr.type=arr.type )
} else
arrows( ax1[directed], -ay1[directed],
ax2[directed], -ay2[directed], length=0.1, col=col_arrow , lwd=lwd )

segments( ax1[undirected], -ay1[undirected], ax2[undirected], -ay2[undirected], col=col_segment , lwd=lwd )

for( i in which( has.control.point ) ){
dag_arc( ax1[i], -ay1[i],
ax2[i], -ay2[i], axc[i], -ayc[i],
col=c( col_arrow , col_segment )[1+(acode[i]==0)],
code=acode[i], length=0.1, lwd=lwd+(acode[i]==0) , goodarrow=goodarrow )
# my DAG drawing function that uses igraph library

drawdag <- function( x ,
layout=layout_nicely ,
vertex.size=30 ,"sans" ,
edge.curved=0 ,
edge.color="black" ,
edge.arrow.width=1.2 ,
interact=FALSE ,
... ) {
the_edges <- dagitty::edges(x)
the_vars <- unique( c( levels(the_edges[[1]]) , levels(the_edges[[2]]) ) )
# translate edges list to adjacency matrix
n <- length(the_vars)
adjmat <- adjmat_from_dag( x )
# draw
mgraph <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix( adjmat , mode="directed" )
the_shapes <- rep("none",n)
# any latent vars?
unobs_vars <- dagitty::latents(x)
if ( length(unobs_vars)>0 ) {
for ( uv in unobs_vars ) the_shapes[ which(the_vars==uv) ] <- "circle"

# node shapes?
# should be named list with "c" for circle or "b" for box
if ( !missing(shapes) ) {
if ( length(shapes)>0 ) {
for ( i in 1:length(shapes) ) {
the_label <- names(shapes)[i]
j <- which( labels==the_label )
if ( missing(col_shapes) ) col_shapes <- col_labels[ min(j,length(col_labels)) ]
if ( length(j)>0 ) {
cpch <- 1
if ( shapes[[i]]=="fc" ) cpch <- 16
if ( shapes[[i]] %in% c("c","fc") )
#circle( coords$x[the_label] , -coords$y[the_label] , r=radius , lwd=lwd , col=col_shapes )
points( coords$x[the_label] , -coords$y[the_label] , cex=radius , lwd=lwd , col=col_shapes , pch=cpch )
if ( interact==FALSE ) {
if ( class(layout)!="matrix" )
the_layout <- layout , list(mgraph) )
the_layout <- layout
plot( mgraph ,
vertex.color = "white" ,
vertex.size = vertex.size ,
vertex.shape = the_shapes , = ,
edge.arrow.size = 0.6 ,
edge.curved = edge.curved ,
edge.color = edge.color ,
edge.width = edge.width ,
vertex.label = the_vars ,
vertex.label.color = "black" ,
seed = 1 , layout=the_layout , ... )
} else {
tkplot( mgraph )
# node labels
text( coords$x, -coords$y[labels], labels , cex=cex , col=col_labels )
rownames(the_layout) <- the_vars
colnames(the_layout) <- c("x-coord","y-coord")

circle <- function( x , y , r=1 , npts=100 , ... ) {
theta <- seq( 0, 2*pi , length = npts )
lines( x = x + r * cos(theta) , y = y + r * sin(theta) , ... )

dag_arc <- function (x1, y1, x2, y2, xm, ym, col = "gray", length = 0.1,
code = 3, lwd = 1.5 , goodarrow=TRUE ) {
x <- c(x1, xm, x2)
y <- c(y1, ym, y2)
res <- xspline(x, y, 1, draw = FALSE)
lines( res , col = col , lwd=lwd )
nr <- length(res$x)
if (code >= 3) {
if ( goodarrow==TRUE ) {
shape::Arrows( res$x[4], res$y[4], res$x[1], res$y[1], arr.length=0.2 , arr.width=0.15, col=col , lwd=lwd , arr.adj=1 , arr.type="curved" )
} else
arrows(res$x[1], res$y[1], res$x[4], res$y[4], col = col,
code = 1, length = length, lwd = lwd)
if (code >= 2) {
if ( goodarrow==TRUE ) {
shape::Arrows( res$x[nr-3], res$y[nr-3], res$x[nr], res$y[nr], arr.length=0.2 , arr.width=0.15, col=col , lwd=lwd , arr.adj=1 , arr.type="curved" )
} else
arrows(res$x[nr - 3], res$y[nr - 3], res$x[nr], res$y[nr],
col = col, code = 2, length = length, lwd = lwd)
# take dagitty dag and translate to adjacency matrix
adjmat_from_dag <- function( x ) {
the_edges <- dagitty::edges(x)
the_vars <- unique( c( levels(the_edges[[1]]) , levels(the_edges[[2]]) ) )
# translate edges list to adjacency matrix
n <- length(the_vars)
adjmat <- matrix( 0 , nrow=n , ncol=n )
rownames(adjmat) <- the_vars
colnames(adjmat) <- the_vars
for ( i in 1:nrow(the_edges) ) {
node1 <- as.character( the_edges[i,1] )
node2 <- as.character( the_edges[i,2] )
tie_type <- as.character( the_edges[i,3] )
if ( tie_type=="->" ) {
# make directed tie
adjmat[ node1 , node2 ] <- 1

# function to map coordinates from dag x to reduced dag y
# returns new dagitty
# used by drawopenpaths
dag_copy_coords <- function( x , y ) {
orig <- coordinates(x)
in_dag <- names( coordinates(y)$x )
new_coords <- coordinates(y)
new_coords$x <- orig$x[ in_dag ]
new_coords$y <- orig$y[ in_dag ]
coordinates(y) <- new_coords

# function to overlay open paths, conditioning on list Z
drawopenpaths <- function( x , Z=list() , col_arrow="red" , ... ) {
x <- as.dagitty( x )
# get all paths
path_list <- paths( x , Z=Z )
shapes <- list()
if ( length(Z)>0 ) {
for ( i in 1:length(Z) ) shapes[[ Z[[i]] ]] <- "c"
# function to interactively draw layout for given dag
sketchdag <- function( x , cleanup=1 , plot=TRUE , rescale=FALSE , grid=0.2 , ... ) {
the_edges <- dagitty::edges(x)
the_vars <- unique( c( levels(the_edges[[1]]) , levels(the_edges[[2]]) ) )
n <- length(the_vars)
adjmat <- adjmat_from_dag( x )
plot( NULL , xlim=c(-1,1) , ylim=c(-1,1) , type='n' , axes=FALSE , ann=FALSE )
if ( grid != FALSE ) {
# draw alignment grid
cseq <- seq( from=-1 , to=1 , by=grid )
for ( xc in cseq ) abline( h=xc , lwd=0.5 )
for ( yc in cseq ) abline( v=yc , lwd=0.5 )
# draw open paths in highlight color
for ( i in 1:length(path_list) ) {
if ( path_list$open[i]==TRUE ) {
path_dag <- dagitty( concat( "dag { " , path_list$paths[i] , " }" ) )
path_dag <- dag_copy_coords( x , path_dag )
drawdag( path_dag , col_arrow=col_arrow , add=TRUE , ... )
pts <- matrix( NA , nrow=n , ncol=2 )
for ( i in 1:n ) {
pt <- locator( 1 , type="p" , pch=the_vars[i] )
pts[i,1] <- pt$x
pts[i,2] <- pt$y
rownames(pts) <- the_vars
colnames(pts) <- c("x-coord","y-coord")
if ( cleanup != FALSE ) pts <- round( pts , cleanup )
if ( plot==TRUE )

# test code
if (FALSE) {

plot( NULL , xlim=c(-1,1) , ylim=c(-1,1) )
circle( 0 , 0 , 1 )

plant_dag <- dagitty( "dag {
h0 -> h1
f -> h1
t -> f
coordinates( plant_dag ) <- list( x=c(h0=0,t=2,f=1,h1=1) , y=c(h0=0,t=0,f=1,h1=2) )
#Other graph layouts: add_layout_, component_wise, layout_as_bipartite, layout_as_star, layout_as_tree, layout_in_circle, layout_nicely, layout_on_grid, layout_on_sphere, layout_randomly, layout_with_dh, layout_with_fr, layout_with_gem, layout_with_graphopt, layout_with_lgl, layout_with_mds, layout_with_sugiyama, layout_, merge_coords, norm_coords, normalize

drawdag( plant_dag , cex=1.2 , col_labels=c("red","black","red","red") , col_arrow=c("red","black","red") , goodarrow=TRUE )

exdag <- dagitty( "dag {
z -> x -> y
x <- U -> y
coordinates( exdag ) <- list( x=c(z=0,x=1,y=2,U=1.5) , y=c(z=0,x=0,y=0,U=-1) )
drawdag( exdag )
exdag <- dagitty( "dag {
U [unobserved]
X [exposure]
Y [outcome]
Z -> X -> Y
X <- U -> Y

# drawing paths
l <- drawdag( exdag , layout=layout_in_circle )
drawdag( exdag , layout=l )

g <- dagitty( "dag {
x -> y
a -> x
b -> y
a -> z <- b
x [exposure]
y [outcome]
}" , layout=TRUE )
exdag2 <- dagitty( 'dag {
G [exposure,unobserved]
P [outcome]
"G*" <- G -> P -> W -> RG
RG -> "G*"

drawdag( g , col_arrow="gray" )

drawopenpaths( g , col_arrow="black" )
drawopenpaths( g , Z=list("z") , col_arrow="black" )

# xkcd example
exdag <- dagitty( "dag {
z -> x -> y
x <- U -> y
coordinates( exdag ) <- list( x=c(z=0,x=1,y=2,U=1.5) , y=c(z=0,x=0,y=0,U=-1) )
drawdag( exdag , xkcd=TRUE , lwd=1.5 )
drawdag( exdag2 )

l <- sketchdag( exdag2 )
drawdag( exdag2 , layout=round(l,2) )

sketchdag( exdag2 , asp=0.6 )



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