I am a Junior Software Engineer, specializing in Backend Engineering, who loves to write clean, maintainable, scalable and performant code. I have experience in various projects including securing backend systems, designing and implementing email notification system, making a Point of Sale application, integrating a backend application with Machine Learning models, and more. My passion lies in solving complex business requirements system that is scalable and efficient that the users love. Furthermore, I like to learn new tools and technology and practicing Data Structure and Algorithm during my freetime.
More about me below:
- Nationality: Indonesian 🇮🇩
- Education: Graduated from Gadjah Mada University, Mathematics, 2022.
- Certifications: Google Cloud Certified Associate Cloud Engineer (until 2025).
- Work Experience: Backend Engineer @ Sinarmas (current), Backend Engineer Intern @ Privy.
My personal GitHub account is for learning new technologies and practicing data structures and algorithms, often done in private repositories. Meanwhile, I am actively using my company's GitHub account for day-to-day work.
p.s. Sometimes I like to explore the Frontend world too 😜. Just sometimes.