Consume an actively written-to w3c-formatted HTTP access log and computes statistics.
- Free software: Apache Software License 2.0
- Streams HTTP access logs
- Computes various traffic statistics
- Generates an alert if the traffic count is > 10 per second (average over 2 mins)
- Clears an active alert if the traffic count is < 10 per second (default)
- Tested with:
- The current service stores up to 2 minutes of data in memory, this could be increased to be a day
- More relevant statistics could be displayed at the top
- A data store could be introduced to store long term statistics
- This service could be deployed in a cluster (Kubernetes/docker-compose) with a load balancer in front
- The unit-test coverage could be improved
To run tests (including alert generation tests)
$ make clean
$ make test
$ git clone git://
$ make install
$ git clone git://
$ make dist
$ pip install dist/http_log_monitoring-0.0.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
To use http_log_monitoring in a project, run the cli script below: Its also in http_log_monitoring/
$ python --threshold 5 --logfile /tmp/access.log
import sys
import asyncio
from http_log_monitoring.http_log_monitoring import HttpMonitoring, Log
from http_log_monitoring.utils import (print_traffic_stats, print_traffic_volume,
reset_stats, reset_counter, capture_traffic_counts)
async def main():
"""Console script for http_log_monitoring"""
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--threshold", help="Alert threshold (default: 10)", type=int)
parser.add_argument("--logfile", help="Enter a log file (default: /tmp/access.log)")
args = parser.parse_args()
threshold = args.threshold
log_file = args.logfile or "/tmp/access.log"
print(f"Streaming logs from the file: {log_file}")
logfile = open(log_file,"r")
log_monitor = HttpMonitoring(logfile, threshold)
await asyncio.gather(log_monitor.compute_stats(),
if __name__ == "__main__":